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It seemed a whole day had gone by. Kitty enjoyed the videos you showed him of the world you lived in. He seemed to hang on every word you explained. While Kitty enjoyed it, becoming more excited with each one, you began to feel darker emotions. So much so that you eventually decided to turn in for the night, whether it was night or not. You were tired anyway. Kitty understood your need for sleep. You decided to leave a long video on for Kitty to watch so you could have some time to yourself. Not that you minded Kitty's company, you just didn't want him to see you cry. You could feel your eyes burning as you left for the bedroom, bidding goodnight to Kitty on your way out.
You closed the door quietly as you entered, then plopped onto the bed. You wanted to push away all the negative thoughts, but they kept coming back. You knew they wouldn't go away until you dealt with them. You finally gave up trying to feel better and let them take over.
You missed home. You missed your family. You missed your friends. You missed your pets. You missed everything, while at the same time, you wondered if anyone even missed you. You wondered if it even mattered to anyone that you were gone. You were trapped in the Backrooms with no way out, for who knows how long. No way back to your world.
I'll probably never see these people again and they probably wouldn't even care or notice, you thought. What am I even still doing here? Doing nothing?
You brought your knees to your chest and buried your face into them as your tears let loose. You tried to be quiet, but you were too upset to think about it. The more you thought, the more you felt. Eventually, your sadness began to turn bitter.
I don't want to be fucking stuck here! You thought to yourself. At this point, you didn't really know why you were so depressed and angry. Your emotions blended together into something indecipherable. All you knew was that you were distraught and pissed. That was all you needed to know.
You slowly looked up as you felt something brush against your side. A stuffed Hello Kitty plush was placed next to you. You looked up to Kitty who had placed it there.
"What are you doing here?" You asked with a sniff. Kitty pointed to the door, then gestured towards you. You didn't even bother deciphering his motions. You buried your face again, hoping Kitty would leave you be. Instead of leaving, Kitty sat down beside you. After a moment, he slowly placed his hand on your shoulder. You pushed it away.
"Don't. Just... don't..." Kitty retracted his hand. You felt a sad and worried energy coming from him, but didn't have room in your head to process it. A few moments later, Kitty reached to place his hand on your head. You pushed him away again.
"Kitty," you scolded. "Just.. just leave me be." Kitty gestured to himself, then you.
"You can't help with this. You don't understand. You're.. you're not even human." Kitty placed his hands together as if he was pleading.
"You can't help me, Kitty!" You reiterated. "You don't understand. You don't know how it feels to be... fucking hopeless. Like everyone probably forgot about you before you even left. Like you never even mattered." You wiped your face as you looked away from Kitty. You had just took your emotions out on Kitty. Now you felt even worse. Of all people and beings, Kitty didn't deserve that. You knew he just wanted to help. You wanted to apologize, but you knew you would not be able to say a word without breaking down again.
Despite your scoldings, Kitty reached out again, slowly, to wrap his arms around you in a hug. This made you tear up more. It had been so long since you had felt the comfort of a hug.
"I'm sorry, Kitty," you cried again as you turned to hug him tight. Kitty was surprised at your sudden actions, but hugged you tighter after. Kitty didn't seem to mind your tears spilling onto him. He didn't seem to care as he held you to comfort you. After a moment, Kitty began to rub your back soothingly. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, Kitty," you managed to utter. "I'm sorry. I really am." Kitty moved his hand to your head as if to calm you more and let you know he forgives you. For someone as slender and not even human like Kitty, he was very good at comforting. Despite his very small frame, he gave great hugs. Kitty held you until your crying began to calm. Once you were left with only sniffles, you slowly pulled away and looked at Kitty.
"Thanks, Kitty. I'm sorry. I'm just... it's... I don't know..." you turned to look down at the floor. The same area you had clipped here from. Kitty moved to look at you, as if asking you to continue.
"I... looking at those videos with you... it was fun, it was, don't get me wrong. I just... it reminded me of my friends... my family. I really miss them." You looked in Kitty's direction, but not up at him. "But... Part of me feels like they've forgotten about me already. Part of me thinks.. they don't care that I'm gone." Kitty placed a hand on your shoulder and shook his head. "And... I'm never gonna make it.. back home. I'm in the Backrooms... forever." Kitty looked down as he knew this was true. He removed his hand from your shoulder. "I like being here with you, but... I just... miss home, too." Kitty nodded as he understood. Perhaps you misjudged Kitty. He must have at least understood why you were upset. Many visitors must have done the same thing. Did Kitty comfort them the same way he comforted you?
After a moment, Kitty gestured to the bed, then you.
"Yeah.. I'll probably get some sleep. I'll probably feel a little better when I wake up. Hopefully." Kitty stood to let you get under the covers. Once you had, Kitty placed the Hello Kitty plush next to you. You smiled softly.
"Thanks, Kitty. Hoping for no nightmares this time. You'll wake me up if I do, though, right?" Kitty nodded. "Never thought I'd be happy about someone watching as I sleep, but here we are," you lightly chuckled. "Goodnight, Kitty." Kitty patted your head, making you chuckle a bit, and headed out to the hallway, where he would keep an eye on you. You did like that he gave you space and didn't loom over your bed like ghosts do in horror movies. As you rolled over on your side, holding the Hello Kitty plush Kitty gave you, you closed your eyes and tried to think nice thoughts. You prayed the nightmares wouldn't come. You wanted at least one good, peaceful sleep. At least with Kitty watching over you, you felt safe. Once again, as you slowly drifted off to sleep, you could have sworn you heard a voice again.
'I'll keep you safe.'

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