Sound In Silence

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After a couple days of being on this level, you began to feel more comfortable. Your brain finally accepted the fact that you were not in any danger here. You were able to relax.
You decided you were in a better mood to show Kitty more of your world. You searched YouTube for one of your favorite songs to show Kitty.
"Ah, here it is," you smiled as you clicked the video. "This is one of my favorite bands. This is probably my favorite song by them." You let the song play as Kitty listened. He seemed intrigued. It felt so nice to listen to your favorite band again. You found yourself humming along, then softly singing, then singing loud enough that Kitty could hear. You didn't notice. For a moment, you closed your eyes and felt like you were back in your room in your own home, listening to your favorite music. Kitty had turned his attention to you as you sang. He seemed to love your voice. You started to really get into the music. For a moment, you truly forgot you were trapped here in the Backrooms. It seemed like a distant dream. One you had eventually woken up from. As the song ended, you finally drifted back to this new reality. Your eyes had opened again to see the home covered with pink, and a silhouette beside you. You noticed Kitty looking at you.
"Sorry... I guess I got kinda carried away.." Kitty perked up and began to applaud you. This made you blush a bit as you chuckled.
"Thanks, Kitty. It's been so long since I've sang. Man, it feels good." Your smile slowly began to fade as you thought about your stay. You enjoyed it, and would even like to say you've befriended Kitty, but you knew you couldn't stay long. You weren't sure how long you had already been here, but you knew you would have to plan your leave soon, no matter how much you wished you could stay. Kitty placed a hand on your shoulder as he noticed your frown.
"Uh.. sorry," you say, coming back to the moment. "Just.. thinking." You shook the thought away for now. "Well, what do you wanna do now? I might be able to find a movie on here, or we could play another board game?" Kitty tilted his head at the first option.
"Oh, it's like.. a very long video, but with an interesting story line. But they're usually not about real events. Just acting. Pretending." Kitty seemed intrigued and nodded at the option.
"Alright, movie it is. Let's see." You decided to look for your favorite movie that wasn't horror. You didn't want to scare Kitty. Besides, horror wasn't what you wanted to see. Not while you were practically living a horror movie, minus this level.
"This one's my favorite. I think you might like it, too." You told Kitty the title and described the plot, but tried not to give away too much. He seemed intrigued. You decided to grab the blanket that was set to the side and get comfortable, placing some of the blanket on Kitty, too. When you were both ready, you played the movie.


When the movie was over, your new reality sunk in once again. You always loved the escape movies gave you, but you hated when reality would come back sometimes. Especially when you were trapped in the Backrooms.
"What did you think?" You asked as you looked over to Kitty. He nodded eagerly.
"You liked it?" He nodded. "It's a good one. I hoped you'd like it." You turned to T.V. off and set the remote on the coffee table. A yawn escaped your lips. Kitty stood, as he knew you were ready to go to bed. You chuckled as you stood and folded the blanket again.
"Guess I'm pretty predictable when there's not a lot to do." Kitty patted your shoulder. He didn't want you to feel bad for seeming predictable. "I guess it doesn't help that there's a lot on my mind, too. I think sleeping on it will help, though." You set the blanket on the couch and stretched. "I'm gonna get cleaned up, then I'll go ahead and get some rest." Kitty nodded as you headed to the bathroom. You had talked to Kitty about privacy, and you both agreed that it was okay for him to watch as you slept, mostly because he would wake you if you had a nightmare, but he would give you total privacy when you were in the bathroom. You let him know you understood his curiosity, and told him you would answer any questions he had. It didn't seem like he had many. He seemed to mostly understand humans, not completely, but he liked to observe them as he found humans fascinating. It made sense to you, since that's what humans do to every other species that isn't human. You got used to the feeling of him being near, even finding comfort in it. You even got used to the fact that Kitty would hug you more often. Anytime he sensed you were feeling down, he would carefully wrap his arms around you to hug you gently. Even if you were feeling just fine, sometimes he would just want a hug. You found this adorable. You weren't much of a hugger, but you enjoyed Kitty's hugs. You would miss them when you left.
After getting cleaned up, Kitty met you at the bedroom door. Another yawn escaped as you headed to the bed, getting comfortable.
"Goodnight, Kitty," you smiled. "Wish I didn't have to sleep so often. I guess that's a plus for you. You don't really need sleep as much as humans." Kitty nodded as he sat in the hallway. "Hopefully I'll be well rested and we can do more tomorrow," you said as you closed your eyes. "Night."
"Goodnight," you could have sworn you heard just as you were drifting off. "Sleep well, my human."

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