Sweet Sorrow

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After you woke, you knew what you were going to do. You needed to prepare, and you needed to plan. You decided to shower and take a little extra time to yourself in the bathroom to plan. This way, Kitty wouldn't know until you were ready.
You looked at the plush in your hand, sighing as you did. You knew this was how you escaped, and you knew you couldn't stay forever. You would need to leave soon, so why push away the inevitable? You didn't want to get too comfortable here. You couldn't let your guard down so far that you wouldn't be ready for the rest of the Backrooms, but you also didn't want to leave Kitty. You had become close to him, and you felt like he really enjoyed your company. Knowing you had to leave made you feel heavy. You just wanted the situation to be over, however it would end. You hated decisions, especially this kind. You also hated goodbyes. You'd especially hate this one.
You took a breath as you stuffed the plush into your pocket, then left the bathroom to find Kitty waiting for you in the hall.
"Hey, Kitty," you smiled. He waved at you. You decided you would grab something to eat while you thought more about how you were going to announce your leave to Kitty. Part of you wondered if he would even care. He's seen many travelers here, each one leaving eventually. Maybe it wouldn't hurt him as much as it would hurt you.
Kitty sat across from you as you ate. He could tell something wasn't right. He tilted his head at you.
"What's up?" You asked, pretending not to know what he was sensing. He pointed to you with his head tilted. "Oh, me?" He nodded. "I'm alright." He paused for a moment as you finished up. He tilted his head again and slowly shook his head. You sighed. When you noticed your plate has disappeared, you slowly reached into your pocket to grab the plush, keeping it under the table as you fiddled with it so Kitty didn't see it yet.
"Kitty," you started. "I.. I really enjoyed being here. It's been great. You've helped me calm down, feel safe, and just been great to be around. You've given me comfort. Helped me to not feel so lonely. But... I know I can't stay forever.." he tilted his head again. You took a breath as you held the plush above the table, looking at it. "I know it's your place, and I can't stay forever. I think.. it's time for me to carry on. I've rested here long enough, so... here's my little goodbye gift for you." You handed the plush to Kitty, but he stood up and backed away so quickly, his chair fell over. He shook his head quickly.
"Do you... not like it?" You asked. He pointed to the plush and nodded, but pointed to you and shook his head. You stood and tried to give it to him again, but he backed away and waved his hands, meaning not to give it to him.
"Kitty, if you don't take it, I can't leave." He nodded. He knew this. He managed to carefully knock the plush out of your hand and put his arms around you in a hug. It startled you with how quick he moved.
"Do you.. not want me to leave?" He pulled away and shook his head. "Are you sure?" He nodded and placed his hands on his heart. He had grown fond of you.
"I'll only stay if you're okay with it. I don't want to break any boundaries." He held your hand and nodded strongly as if he was pleading. You chuckled a bit.
"Alright. If you insist. I'll stay," you smiled. Kitty engulfed you in another hug.
"Roommate," you heard. This time, you were certain you heard it. You couldn't blame this one on sleep.
"Did you hear that?" You asked as Kitty pulled away. He nodded and pointed to himself. "Did.. you say that?" He nodded again. "I..." you had never heard of this. In fact, you had always heard that Kitty was not able to speak. Then again, there were other things in the Backrooms that didn't quite add up to the wiki page.
"You.. can talk?"
"Only to those I choose to speak to," he said. Seeing you were still confused, he continued to explain. "You are the first person I've spoken to. I wanted to wait until I found a suitable roommate. Someone to live with me permanently." You looked down a bit at the word 'permanently'. "I know you want to go back to your world. There is an escape from this world. That is how your world knows of it. Survivors have made it back and told their story." He placed his hand on your shoulder. "But it is far too dangerous. This world is unpredictable and does not have mercy for those who enter it. That is why I never leave. That is why I ask that you stay. I can not bear anything to happen to you." You looked up at Kitty, still a bit shocked that he could talk. He didn't have a mouth. The words simply emitted from his being.
"What are the chances of me making it home if I did leave? Be honest," you asked. Kitty looked down a bit as he answered.
"It was a one in one hundred thousand chance you made it into this world. I imagine it is the same to escape. I do not know the chances accurately, but I do know that most do not make it."
"So you'd rather me stay here than chance it?"
"I would," he nodded as he looked at you. "Here, you are safe and have everything you need. Even company."
"But why me? You've had tons of other visitors."
"They all treat me like an entity. You treat me as if I were human, like you. I have not felt this way towards anyone that has entered my home. You make me feel real. Important. Necessary. You are good company that I would love to keep around." You smiled at this. Though, it was sad to think that no one else treated him the way you did. You were just being a good person.
"So.. will you stay here with me, (y/n)?" You were surprised Kitty remembered your name, considering you only said it once when you first met. It had been days since then, maybe weeks. You weren't sure. You gave his offer a bit of thought. The chances of getting home were very slim. Was it even worth trying? You knew what the Backrooms were capable of, and it seemed like, so far, they were worse than the Wiki said. You hadn't even read through all of them. Who knows, there could be even more levels than anyone knows of. With a sigh, you knew your only option would be to stay with Kitty. It was nice here, but staying would mean you say goodbye to your friends and family forever. The life you once had would be gone. This would be your new life. There was no other option.
"Okay," you sighed with a bit of a smile. "I'll stay."

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