•● Chapter 1 ●•

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A long time ago, a mighty captain sailed these 'here seas...

He was redoubtable and outcasted... he was a vile, heartless man. Those who knew of his name dared not speak it, for they feared even the mention of it would summon him. The Devil of the Seas, a thief of lost souls, The Horror of the Tide...

Captain William Afton.

He had gained notoriety from takin' the lives of innocent children on every shore he crossed... he would suck the life outta' them and make them nothin' but empty husks to do his bidding.

Many soldiers and men had tried stoppin' his evil deeds, and yet, he had always slipped away.

It was not until a brave and determined warrior... his own flesh and blood... worked together with a former commrad of William.

They fought 'im to the death and burned his ship down with him inside... and left it to be swallowed into the black depths below...


"The dreaded Captain William had finally fallen... though, some say he still haunts these waters... he lives in the shadows and travels in the night,"

"He searches for naughty children who wander away from their parents... and when he finds you..."

"He'll gut ye' alive and use your empty skin as a puppet for his evil deeds..." Monty spoke ominously.

The crew was anchored by the shore of a new island. They had been searching for a legendary artifact, and a piece of it would be found here. But it was too late, so they had to sleep on the ship.

Cassie hugged her knees to her chest tightly, and her fur stood on end as the story ended. She was on the verge of tears, and her stomach knotted in fear.

Before she knew it, she felt two paws grab her shoulders and shake her violently.

She cried out in terror and scooted herself away from the perpetrator, who now revealed himself to be her best friend, Gregory.

The kit held his gut as he doubled over, laughing at her expense.

Monty hissed as a rough paw slapped him at the back of his head.

"Quit scarin' the kids, ye' big oaf!" Foxy scolded.

Cassie broke out into a fit of tears and forced herself back to her paws. She ran across the deck towards the other two adults as Gregory ran after her. Roxanne was knelt down cleaning her sword while Freddy knitted quietly in the lantern light, sitting on a rum barrel.

She sprinted forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Roxanne, desperately seeking protection.

"Mama! Mama! Gregory scared me-" she cried.

"Tattle-tail!" Gregory huffed.

Roxanne glared expectedly at Freddy, to which the bear sighed and lowered his knitting needles.

"Gregory, that was not very nice."

The boy crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at the lecture.

"Apologize to Cassie." Freddy ordered. Gregory sighed dramatically and turned to the pup.

"I am sorry. I didn't know you would get SO scared."

"Is Captain William Afton real??" Cassie wiped her eyes and looked up to her mother. Roxanne sighed.

"No, Cass. That's all a legend. Monty just thinks he's funny." She shot the gator an angry look.

Roxanne gently nudged Cassie forward to go play again. The pup left to talk to Foxy, and Gregory had started following her. Halfway there, however, he stopped as he heard his name.

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