●• Chapter 4 •●

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Freddy rushed over to the sounds of struggling in the water. When they finally caught sight of the source of the sound, they were speechless.

It was none other than Roxanne. She was crawling desperately to the beach and coughing.

Freddy broke out of his daze and rushed over to help. He lifted her and hurried towards the shore before setting her down again and letting her catch her breath.

"R-Roxy, you're... you're alive!" Freddy laughed joyfully. Before she could respond, she was trapped in a suffocating bear-hug.

"We were so scared! We thought you were gone!" He cried. Roxanne laughed and pulled away.

It was Gregory's turn for a hug. He lunged forward and wrapped his arms around her torso, which she returned.

"I didn't mean to scare you -" she laughed.

"How did you even survive?!" The boy asked in awe. Roxanne blushed slightly and avoided eye contact.

"I don't know... I-I guess I got lucky -" She stuttered.

Gregory did not get a chance to question her before Freddy took off his jacket to help warm her up.

"You need to get back to the ship to dry off."

Freddy helped her walk back towards the docks and up the ramps of the ship.

The whole crew was happily reunited with her, as was Cassie. But Gregory still wondered how exactly she survived. Not that he was upset at all. It just confused him.

Later that evening, they were at sea again. The missing piece of the artifact they had been searching for was unknowingly being sold at the market, which they bought.

Gregory was, once again, attempting to read the contract in his hammock. He jumped as someone shook it.

Cassie popped into view. "You still have that??"

Gregory hushed her and pulled her into the hammock for privacy.

"You're gonna' get us in trouble!" He whispered.

"YOU in trouble, Gregory! I was not even a part of this!" She quietly yelled.

Both of them froze as someone else opened the hammock.

"What are you trouble makers doin' in here?" Monty teased.

Gregory tried subtly pushing the contract to his side. "J-just... talking-"

Thankfully, Monty had not noticed and simply nodded. "Well, dinner's ready. Come on up." He stood up and gestured for them to follow. Before Gregory hopped down, he was stopped by Casse grabbing his shoulder.

"You should tell them!" She whispered. Gregory hopped down anyway.

"Not now, Cass." He brushed it off.

The pup scowled and hopped down after him. When they made it to the table, it was very busy.

The adults were talking and arguing over each other as usual.

Gregory's mind was elsewhere. He was staring at the table and playing with his food. He was avoiding eye contact with his dad at the moment because he felt so guilty lying to him.

He felt a nudge on his shoulder and turned to his left.

"What's on yer' mind, kid?" Monty asked casually with a mouthful of food.

"Were you raised in the jungle, Monty?! Where are your manners!" Freddy scolded.

Monty finished chewing and laughed. "Not all of us were raised in an estate, Freddy!" He teased back.

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