●• Chapter 8 •●

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There was hardly any sleep that night. Since the adults were not around to reprimand them, Cassie and Gregory were staying up late.

Cassie was reading silently on the bed while Gregory played with one of his smaller toys.

Both of them jumped at the sound of a loud blast from outside. It was followed by loud cheering and music.

The two of them peeked outside the window to check it out. Sure enough, it was the pub his father was talking about. There were confetti and dancers on stage and a large group of people in it.

"We should go there!" Gregory exclaimed with a wag of his tail. Cassie shook her head.

"No, Gregory. They told us to stay in the room-"

"They're asleep! They won't even know." Gregory claimed. Cassie scowled.

"We're already in trouble with our parents, you're just gonna' make it worse!"

Gregory hushed her. "Keep your voice down!" He whispered, hopping off the bed.

"C'mon, Cass. What else are we doing? Aren't you bored??"

The girl thought for a moment before sighing. "...we can go for a FEW minutes, then we come back." She ordered.

The two of them unlocked and pushed open the window. Thankfully, the inn was only one story.

Gregory slipped out first and helped Cassie down. Afterward, they skipped down the street and slid into the large crowd.

The sound of music and cheering was defeaning to their ears, and the crowd was carelessly pushing them around.

There was the strong smell of rum and cigars in the air, making the kids cringe in disgust. All around them were drunken sailors laughing, rough-housing, and singing shanties.

They finally found some open seats at a table and sat down to watch what was going on.

There were a few dancers with white powdered makeup on stage. They seemed to be acting out comedic skits while the sailors laughed along with them.

"They look like ghosts with all that makeup..." Cassie giggled, whispering to Gregory. The boy laughed as well.

He jumped in surprise as he felt someone shove into his side. When he turned, he saw it was merely a drunk sailor that accidentally leaned back onto him.

The pirate glanced down and smiled lazily, clearly drunk. "How-how'd ye' kiddies get in 'ere...?" He hiccuped. The boy shifted uncomfortably, and Cassie instinctively held on to Gregory.

"We just... came in, I guess..." He mumbled and turned his attention back to the stage.

"...What are they doing up there-?" He asked the man.

"They be wearin' tha' 'ere makeup on stage so ye' see their face better!" The sailor laughed.

"But what is the show about??" The boy repeated more clearly.

The man hiccupped again and wiped his mouth. "They doin' a skit right now makin' fun of the rich!" He laughed.

The boy hummed and awkwardly turned back to the show. He felt Cassie nudge his shoulder.

"We should get out of here..." Cassie whispered worriedly. The boy scoffed.

"We just got here. Let's just watch this show, and then we can go." He insisted. The girl folded her arms and turned away uncomfortably.

"Hey, kid! Ye' thirsty?!" The man offered him a small cup. Another sailor elbowed the stranger.

"He's a kid, man!"

"Eh! Let the kid have a little rum, aye?!" He poured some in the small cup.

Before Cassie could object, the boy grinned and took the cup without a second thought.

She tried to stop him, but he would not listen and took a big sip of the drink. He scrunched his nose at the bitter taste and pulled the cup away.

"Ew... why do adults even like this??" He thought out loud. The other men laughed while Cassie took the cup from his paws.

"You shouldn't be drinking this at all!" She scolded. Gregory brushed it off.

"It'll be fine, Cass! Live a little-" he complained. The girl rolled her eyes and pushed the cup away.

As Gregory continued watching the show, something made him pause.

At the side of the stage, there was a familiar blue bunny talking to someone. He was almost identical to Bonnie.

He shook Cassie's shoulder to get her attention and pointed to the bunny. As soon as he did, he watched him walk inside to the performer's entrance with the lady he was talking to.

Was this where his dad was all along??

The boy stood up and grabbed Cassie's paw before pushing through the crowd to follow him.

They finally made it and pulled back the tarp covering the entrance. Thankfully, it was much quieter in here.

The girl pulled her paw away. "Gregory, what are we doing?!" She questioned.

"I think I saw my dad walk in here!" He exclaimed.

Cassie jumped as a paw grabbed her shoulder.

"What are you children doing here??" A man in the powdered show makeup stopped them.

Cassie hid behind Gregory again as the boy spoke up.

"M-my dad... I think he came in here-?"

The man asked who it was, and Gregory described the blue bunny. The performer seemed surprised but led them forward anyway.

They made it to what seemed to be a vanity. The blue bunny was turned away, patting makeup aggressively on his face. He wore a long cloak, seemingly to hide his costume. The woman from before was sitting on a sofa by him. She was a chicken with golden feathers and equally exaggerated makeup.

"Bon...? Is this one yours -?" The man asked awkwardly.

He turned around, and the boy was taken by surprise.

The bunny had bright green eyes and a rounder face than Bonnie, and his face was covered in the powdered white makeup with red cheeks and purple eyeshadow. Gregory backed away awkwardly as the bunny furrowed his drawn-on brows in confusion.

"I-I'm sorry, I... thought you were my dad..." He stuttered.

The chicken stood up and approached them. "You two are awfully young to be here..." She spoke up in concern.

The bunny knelt down by the boy in equal worry. "Who's your dad, kid? Is he here?"

"Uhmn... n-no... his name was Bonnie...?" The boy stuttered awkwardly.

Bon's eyes widened in shock, and he and woman glanced at each other oddly.

"You're Gregory, aren't you?" Bon stood up. The boy was taken aback.

"How do you know...?"

The man from before spoke up again. "Bon, is he with you or not??" He asked in frustration. The bunny nodded.

"Yeah, I know him."

The man nodded and walked away, leaving them to speak alone. Bon turned back to Gregory and smiled.

"Your dad is my brother!" He claimed.


A/N: surprise! Toy Bonnie made an appearance!

I headcanon that all of the Bonnies from every game are brothers, so I wanted to add one of them in for the plot, but Toy Bonnie was the only one who I thought fit the theme/aesthetic well enough.

(Art of him will be uploaded onto Tumblr @Odd_G0ul)

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