●• Chapter 6 •●

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The mysterious bunny gave a vague signal with her paw.

They were surrounded by the undead crew. All were lost souls seemingly serving this captain.

Freddy did not have time to get Gregory to safety before he was cornered and a battle broke out. Thinking fast, he shoved the boy further away and ordered him to hide with Cassie.

Gregory scrambled back to his paws and hurried to find his friend.

She was lost in the fray somewhere, but he had to get to safety.

He finally caught sight of her hiding behind a few crates and shaking.

Gregory knelt down to her and snapped to get her attention.

"We need to get out of here. Come on!"

She hesitantly stood up, and the two of them watched the battle unfold. They had to think of a way to make it to the cabin on the other side of the deck.

"We have to run for it!" Gregory whispered. Cassie looked on in terror but nodded, knowing that was their best chance.

Gregory took a breath and grabbed her paw, sprinting forward.

He tried his best not to look back, but against his best effort, he did.

He felt a chill run up his spine as the mysterious bunny with red eyes was following them and looking on intently.

Because Gregory was distracted, Cassie had beat him to the cabin. When she made it to the door and glanced behind her, she noticed his situation.

She almost ran back for him, but he yelled out.

"Go to the cabin! I'll be right there!"

She trusted him and nodded, closing herself in. Gregory had thought he could outrun the woman, but he was mistaken.

He felt a strong force shove him to the side, knocking him into the mast.

He winced and coughed as the air was sucked out of his lungs, and he grew dizzy.

While he was disoriented, he felt her grab his shoulder and pull him up again.

He did not know what her intention was, but he knew it could not be good. It did not seem like she was trying to kill him. She was trying to take him somewhere.

He fought back and kicked frantically at her legs. He managed to hit her knee, which caused her to stumble momentarily.

It was not enough. She slammed his back against the mast again and threw him onto the ground.

He cried out as he felt the impact. His whole body hurt, and his stomach flipped in terror.

Painful tears started pouring from his eyes. He curled up fearfully and tried bracing for her to strike again.

Instead, his dad came to his aid.

Freddy rushed forward with his sword in hand. She saw him and blocked his attack with her smaller blades.

The two of them exchanged hits as they fought. Freddy was doing everything in his power to get her away from Gregory.

The bunny managed to find a good opening and swung her blade forward, slashing across Freddy's face. He yelled out in pain but did not back down.

"Dad!" Gregory cried out in worry. He could not see the front of his face, but he noticed Freddy stumbling and shaking in pain.

He blindly shot forward, catching her off guard and cutting her side. The impact of his weight pushing her sent her to the ground.

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