●• Chapter 10 •●

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Gregory and Cassie wrestled and tumbled on the ground. They were play-fighting outside of Gregory's home while their parents sat and watched them by the porch.

Their game would eventually end with the girl turning the tables on him and winning. Regardless, the two of them had fun.

Gregory turned back to his dads, only to see them whispering to each other while Freddy caressed Bonnie's cheek. Their faces were inching close together, and their eyes were half lidded, so the boy knew they were about to kiss again.

As Freddy gently pulled Bonnie closer, they paused when hearing the children laugh in the background.

Gregory made a gross face at them while continuing to snicker with Cassie and turn away again, unaware of his dads plotting.

While Cassie and Gregory tried to talk as usual, they failed to notice the looming presence approaching them. Their game was cut short as they felt someone grab them and lift them up.

It was Freddy who hooked his arms around their bodies and lifted them to his sides.

The children laughed and tried struggling against his grip, but he would not budge. He bounced them in his hold playfully and spun them. Bonnie came over and took Gregory from Freddy.

He released the boy in the air, catching him by his torso again. The toddler laughed gleefully as Bonnie craddled him and tickled his belly while Freddy handed Cassie back to Roxanne.


The rest of the day felt vibrant and joyous as everyone carelessly played together. Once Cassie had left with Roxanne after dinner, Bonnie brought Gregory to bed while Freddy locked everything and prepared for the night.

The boy giggled and squirmed in his dad's arms, still beaming with energy after a long day. He only began to settle as Bonnie started humming and began singing his favorite lullaby to him. It was his parents' own song.

"Oh, the moon in the sky...

Shines so bright, so it might...

But will it keep me warm through the night...?

Oh, the waves hit the bay,

And the stars come to play...

But will that sunshine within my heart stay?"

He placed the giddy child on the bed and tucked him in, smiling at his antics. As he sat down on the edge of the bed, Freddy had come in to join them. He stood behind his husband and placed a paw on his shoulder, which Bonnie took.

"But I don't wanna' go to sleep yet! I'm wide awake!" Gregory complained. Bonnie tittered and lifted a paw to pet his head in a calming manner.

"You need to sleep, honey... otherwise, you won't grow big and strong."

The boy glanced between his dads fearfully. "I'll be a kid forever if I don't sleep?!" He misunderstood Bonnie's words.

His parents laughed, and Freddy shook his head.

"It means you won't be healthy if you don't rest. And a pirate needs to be healthy." He corrected.

The boy curled up again with new incentive to sleep. While he did, Bonnie made sure the blanket covered him completely and stroked his ears affectionately as he finished the lullaby.

"Through the coldest nights, I need a light,

I need someone to be my sight...

Won't you stay with me? And as we gaze at the sea,

Will you promise me forever?

And vow that we will never...

...Live without one another..."

He leaned down and kissed the now tired boy's forehead.

"... Oh, we will be together...
forever and ever..."

The bunny stood up as Freddy leaned down to kiss Gregory as well before taking Bonnie's paw and leaving towards the door, taking the lantern with them.

They turned to glance at the boy one more time before leaving and shutting the door.


Gregory reluctantly opened his eyes. From the second he woke up, he felt a heavy weight in his chest.

He did not even want to wake up anymore. He'd rather stay in those happy memories with his dad. Life was so simple and merry back then.

He became fully aware of his surroundings and realized he was being carried by Freddy. The crew was already leaving back to the ship in the morning.

Gregory did not feel like speaking, and he had no energy to move, so he stayed leaning comfortably against Freddy and staring at the ground.

Only a few weeks ago, he was convinced Bonnie was a bad father. That he just left his family, as the others had said. But now, he's never felt more conflicted.

He put his trust into the adults... Into Bonnie's friends and family, and no one could ever give him clear answers. He did not know what to believe anymore.

He just wanted his dad. He wanted Bonnie to hold him and sing to him again. He wanted his dad to pet his ears and tell him everything would be alright.

But he couldn't have that. Freddy was doing his best to reassure him, though he was visibly tense as he walked.

Finally, the boy lifted his head and groaned. Freddy snapped out of his daze when he realized the boy was awake.

"Hey, honey... are you alright...?" He smiled sadly to him, leaning his head in to kiss the boy's cheek.

Gregory leaned into it and nodded solemnly, staring at the ground.

"Why did he have to go...?" Gregory muttered to Freddy. The two of them were further behind the others, so no one else heard him. Freddy sighed and held Gregory tighter. He kept his melancholy gaze ahead.

"I wish I knew, Gregory. I miss him too..."

Freddy thought for a moment before speaking up again.

"Please, stop worrying about this. You're only a kid, Gregory... you don't have to carry this burden. Live your life..." He tried persuading. When the boy did not respond, Freddy continued.

"Your dad wanted you to have the happiest, carefree childhood we could give you. He wouldn't have liked to see you like this, would he-?"

The boy hesitantly nodded. "But... he can't see me like this anymore... so who cares-?" He mumbled bitterly. Freddy embraced him tighter.

"I care, honey. I want you to be happy..."

The boy was silent again as he thought of Freddy's words. Maybe he and the others were right...

Maybe he should just give up. Those days are over.



That concludes the first book! More is to come soon~

Before anyone asks about the song, it is original.
I wrote it myself specifically for the story.

I hope it's alright :)

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