Part 43

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Allison's POV

I woke up at 9 to see Emberlin sitting on my desk with 3 letters in her beek.

I got out of my bed, walked to my desk and took the letters from her. I gave her some treats that Evelyn left in my room.

I opened the first one that read

Dear Allison,

Im sorry for the late reply. I made sure this bird was treated well last night by giving her so many treats.

I'm really happy that you are going to the ball today. I have been told by Mattheo that we have a meeting before the ball. He wants to see if we have done our tasks or if we need to be punished well tortured.

The ball starts at 8pm tonight but the meeting starts at 6:30pm so get here for 6.

Also the others are very happy that your coming tonight and I think molly is going to write you a letter but I don't know.

Love from the better twin.

I moved his letter out of the way before opening the next letter that looks like it's Mollys writing.

Dear Allison,

I'm really excited for the hall tonight and the fact that you are coming is making this better.

Mine and mattheo's half sister is here, she is absolutely vile as always but it's fine. Just if she says anything tonight please ignore her for our sake because she will hex you with no problem.

I also believe that she invited a couple of her friends from beauxbatons but I'm unsure.

Love you

Molly xx

I do want to know who she is bringing. I never really socialised much with the older years apart from the boys and a couple girls. But that was mostly for quidditch.

I then move onto the last letter.

Dear Princess,

Bellatrix told me about your task that you had to complete and she was absolutely thrilled that you completed it without hexing her or anyone else in the room.

I am so sorry that you had to go through that, no one should have to do that especially you.

I still haven't completed mine but father says that I need to wait for the perfect moment before I do. I can't say what it is but I don't want to do it.

In fact he didn't say what my task was informs of everyone but I don't want to do it but I have to.

Also I can't wait to see you tonight, I can't wait to see how beautiful you look even though you always look beautiful.

P.S: I don't think your parents are going to be at the ball tonight. Just thought you should know. And don't respond to any of us. There's a group called 'The order' and they are on to us so I don't want to put you in danger.

Love from

- Mattheo xxx

Shit he knows about us.

Third Person POV

Allison rushed downstairs to where her brother, Evelyn and George were sitting at the table.

"They know" she says out of breath while reaching the door.

"Who knows what?" Benjamin says getting up and going over to her.

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