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[Bella and Andromeda were sitting in Andromeda's room. The camera panned around her room.]

"Oh, her room is so cute. The green walls is so her style." Pandora squealed before squinting. "Reggie, is that your quidditch hoodie?"

Regulus also squinted at the green lump of fabric on his sister's bed. "Yeah, I didn't even know she took it to be honest."

Sirius was also looking around Andromeda's rooming, silently hoping to find something of his when James nudged him. "Isn't that your leather jacket?" A ghost of a smile appeared on Sirius' face, "Yeah, it is."

[Her walls had pictures on it of Andromeda and her school friends, her with Jasper, some with Regulus, Evan and Barty. On her desk was an open letter from Lily Evans and a few pictures of Sirius with his friends.]

"She has pictures of me?" Sirius asked, shocked. "Why does she have pictures of me?" Lily rolled her eyes, "Because she loves you, you idiot. You're her brother. I've been sending her pictures from quidditch matches."

[Bella gets up to look around her room, and her eyes land on the unfamiliar faces.]

'Hey, Andy. Who are these people?'


[Andy looks over Bella's shoulder and smiles softly.]

'My family and some friends.'


'Yeah, those two with long black hair and gray eyes are my brothers. Obviously.'

'And they didn't come with you? Do you still talk to them?'

'I talk to Regulus when I can, sending owls to and fro is a strain on them. Sirius...well. He hates me, and the rest of our family, so...I haven't spoken to him in years. At least not civilly.'

'Why? If-if you don't mind me asking.'

[Andy let out a long sigh, her face taking on a melancholy look. She walked back to her bed, plopping face down before lifting her head.]

'Because my family, sans the three of us, is absolute shit. God, they're the fucking worst.'

"Understatement of the fucking year," Regulus laughed, though it lacked emotion.

'The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. What a fucking joke. They're elitists, classists, racists..I-I don't even know how to describe them. Blood status is a huge fucking deal to them that they believe anyone who isn't a pureblood is beneath them. Half-bloods, muggle-born, hell even regular non magic people are beneath them. They blindly worship a man who believes he is a god. Family means nothing to them if it doesn't guarantee them power. That truly was the only reason Walburga let me stay in that house for so long. My mother is from a very, very powerful pure-blooded French family. A family she thought she could profit from until she realized that my mother and her family want absolutely nothing to do with the Black family. God, when that news dropped, I believe it happened a year before I left...around the same time Sirius left actually, I truly think she wanted to kill me. Actually she did want to kill me, and tried every chance she got.'

By now most, if not all, in the hall looked at Walburga in shock, a few in indescribable anger. "You tried to kill her? Are you dumb? One, she's a kid. You have a problem with her family, so you take it up with her family, not her. Two, if this really is about power, you think trying to kill her would put you in good graces with her family. You probably have a blood feud drawn against the Black family because of your actions. You are disgusting. Absolutely batshit insane." Lily yelled at Walburga.

The Hall sat in shock, but silently agreed, some vocalizing their agreements, with the redhead. Regulus looked at Lily with a new sense of respect.

'Couldn't you have gone to someone. Doesn't the wizard world have like, police?'

'Yeah, they do. But that wouldn't have gotten me anywhere. The Black family is the reason the British Ministry exists, they hold high positions in the Wizengamot.'

'The what?'

'Wizengamot. It's the British Wizard's high court and parliament. I literally could do nothing. Winter and summer break held new ways to take me out. One week it's poisoning my food, the next is my drinks. The following week, and every week after that, it was throwing the killing curse my way after beating me. She even had me tortured a few times.'

[Andy pursed her lips, eyes filling with tears.]

'Because of that fucking wench, I had to leave my brother. I had to leave my friends. I had to leave behind everything I loved with no explanation, no warning. Because of her, my oldest brother hates me. The one person I looked up to, and I have no way of reconciling with him because he refuses to speak to me. He didn't even breathe in my direction if it wasn't to hurl insults at me.'

'And yet you still care for him.'

'Always. He's still my brother. I know him better than anyone, and he knows that.'

[Bella plopped on the bed next to Andy before throwing herself on top of the girl.]


'Do you still talk to them?'

'Of course. Lily sends me pictures and Regulus updates me on everything, including our idiot friends, who I would never admit are my friends to their faces. Their heads would get too big.'

Barty and Evan smiled widely at the screen. "She admitted that we're her friends! I knew she loved us."

[With a flick of her hand, Andy's radio came to life.]

'Tame Impala?'

'Oh Bells, you know I love them. Now let me see your English essay, can you believe he's making us write about that absolute train wreck.'

'Andy, it's just Romeo and Juliet.'

'You know I cannot stand that play.'

[The two girls worked quietly for a while. The sky outside was a beautiful orange and pink.]

'Hey, Andy.'


'Have you heard from Jacob? I've been trying to call him for a while now.'

[Andy hummed softly.]

'Nope, can't say I have. If he doesn't answer you, he definitely won't answer me. I did, however, talk to his dad. He said something about mono.'

[Andy side eyed Bella for a second.]

'You don't have mono too, do you?'

'No Andy, I don't have mono.'

'You sure? Cuz if you do, that means I can miss out on that stupid socratic seminar tomorrow.'

'Your disdain for Romeo and Juliet is hilarious Andy.'

"It really is. She would shut me down everytime I tried to talk to her about it." Lily let out a watery laugh. "She really is something else."

'Bella, it paints such a shitty picture of love. One, Juliet was 13 and Romeo was 17, ew. Two, they little star crossed love lasted for like 4 days. And in those 4 days, they got married, and faked their deaths only to actually kill themselves. Not to mention the total death count was six people, half of them being killed by Romeo. You know what, I'm writing this down for the seminar tomorrow.'

'Yeah, you do that Andy.'

[Bella stared at Andy for a moment, before smiling and going back to her own work.]

"Oh she totally just swore her life to Andy. I know that look." Barty proclaimed, laughing.

(A/N: Hey, hey!!! A little filler/ Bella, Andy bonding scene

Also, call your reps and demand a ceasefire. Boycott. Protest. Use your voice, it is your most powerful tool. 

Stay safe.) 

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