Meanwhile in...

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While the investigation went on, Henry and Alex had already landed in Washington and were on their way to the White House. Amy requested that the chief of staff let her know as soon as the couple were safe in the White House, she wanted to break the news to Henry as soon as possible so that he would minimize contact with the royal family until she knew the full story.

"How are you feeling" Alex asked Henry. "I d-dont know what I'm feeling" he replied. "Then tell me, even if it doesn't make sense to you, let me try to make sense of it" Alex responded. "Something just doesn't feel right, I literally stared down the barrel of the gun in her hand, she was....a-aiming for me? But why? And how did anyone know we were there? I just have so many unanswered questions Alex and it's driving me mad" Henry explained. "Don't worry to much about that, I'm sure Amy is working on something, as long as we're both safe and alive, we will get those answers" Alex assured Henry.

The couple arrived safely at the White house as Amy had anticipated. "My darling babies" Presdent Claremont said, wrapping her arms around the two of them. "What happend are you alright?" She added while embracing them. "We're okay mom, don't stress about us, Amy's working on it I'm certain. "What? She didn't fly with you guys?" Claremont asked ending the hug, with her hands still on either of their shoulders. "No, she made sure that the escort to the airport in Texas was secure but she drove off somewhere I'm not sure where though. "Well alright I'll personally let her know that yall are safe" she said in her country accent.

A couple of minutes have gone by and the president called Amy. "What the hell where you thinking Amy? Leaving the boys on their own to come back here!? You know anything could've happend since we currently have a mole?" She exclaimed to Amy. "Sorry ma'am, I know it was a dumb move, but I made sure they were safe, I personally overlooked who I sent with them to the airport, those I didn't suspect would do any harm to the boys. "Well, they got here safe for the most part." Claremont sighed. " So what's the story with this woman...who is she and who does she work for?" she asked Amy. " Well, we know her name.. Katya." Amy responded. " a Russian? What the hell are the Russians doing in Houston Texas of all places?" Claremont asked. "She won't say, not who she's working for, who sent her, nada, she only gave her name." Amy replied. "Did you pull a nail?" Claremont asked. " Well I was about to, then she yelled her name" Amy said. " it then, maybe we'll get some useful information from her, and thats an order." Claremont ordered. "Yes ma'am" Amy answered, no questions asked. "Keep me in the loop, I'll be awake till the AM so don't hesitate to call me okay? I want to know everything she says" Claremont said.

The call ended and Amy mellowed in a feeling of guilt, she already made an assumption that maybe Katya worked for the British, but if she had told Claremont, she would've acted on instinct and not intuition and probably would've been on the phone with the prime minister by now. So she didn't feel all that guilty.

                                *Back in texas*

"So... I've been ordered to, how do I put this...pull a nail" Amy said in a childish manner. "Ugh! You fucking Americans, doing things by the book." Katya added with a smirk of disgust across her face. " What? Do you want me to waterboard you?" Amy asked sarcastically. " That what they do back in Russia" Amy added. "Well-" Katya let out. "Don't...answer that, coz I hate to break it to this is America sweetheart" Amy said with a puppy facial expression. "So back to the basics, again" Amy said rolling her eyes, " Nothing, Katya remained still as if no question was asked. Amy then pulls out a pair of pliers...

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