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You're family had absolutely nothing to do with this. Does that make it to obvious or not? Amy thought continued on what she was going to say to the prince, but feared how Alex would react if she simply said the wrong thing at the wrong time.  

Amy's plane had landed in Washington by morning and she had it all ready and planned as to what she was going to say to the couple. So the woman who held a gun to your face works for the British government, I  the MI6 department, and she's from Russia actually, so nobody knows what she's doing in the UK ,but it still doesn't change the fact that you could've been killed...we don't know why yet but the suspect is being flown to Washington in the next 24hours. "Do we know who from the MI6 had her sent on this mission " Alex asked Amy. "Well, not yet, that's one of the pieces of crucial information we hope to attain when she comes here" she replied. "Are w- I mean you, the security, thinking that there's a slight chance that it could be....my family??" Henry asks in the brief moment of silence between the conversations between Alex and Amy. "Well we don't want to jump to any sudden assumptions and conclusions." Amy replies. "But you do think there is a possibility, right? Coz I think there is" Henry responds. "Babe why would you say that, we don't know anything about who or what and how it happend, we'll know everything we need to know by tomorrow  Alex assured Henry. "Alright, i need to go sleep or something I'll be in the room if you need me" Henry sighs.

*Henry walks up to the room*

"So what do you actually know Amy?" Alex asked. "Because I know that you're not telling him to protect him but you can tell me, seeing that we both want to protect him" Alex said. "Well to start things off, she has a name ,Katya, I know it sounds very russian. And the only way I could get information out of her was when I pulled the pliers out" Amy replied. "What were the pliers fo-.... Oh?...nevermind" Alex asked before internally answering his own question .And basically everything else I said was what she said. But about the family question, whether or not I think they're involved, definitely I think so, oh absolutely." Amy rejoiced. "Does my mom know about this in great detail?" Alex asked. "She definitely knows something...not in great detail though, she might see this as an act of war and that's not something we want to start right now" Amy replied. "Oh I see, well, I'm off to bed, check in later?" Alex said. "Sure thing kid, I'll keep you posted kid" Amy replied.

Alex made his way upstairs to their room. To his suprise Henry had puffy eyes, almost though he just cried. Alex immediately closes the door and rushes over to Henrys side of the bed. "My love what's wrong? For how long have you been crying...why didn't you call me or tell me you wanted to talk to me" Alex asked in desperation. Henry sniffled and struggled to get words out of his mouth...

Red, White and Royal Blue: Forever afterWhere stories live. Discover now