Chapter Ten

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(pls comment and vote) WARNING! Charlie still hasn't gotten his shit together and i am to blame fully. I am basing him off of my emotions, which gives you all a very clear insight on how quick i am to overthink and become mistrustful towards others etc.

I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from reading on because i keep promising that charlie will get better and i still hurt him, and i'm sorry.

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The wind softly whistled as it passed by Charlie's ear, the boy sighing with only a hint of content. As he looked upon the night sky that was outside of his window, the Fray boy clicked his tongue.

He had been given his own room at last, but it felt cold and empty. It didn't feel like a room should, it didn't feel like home.

Charlie tapped his finger against his elbow, arms crossed over his torso, whilst his head bopped up and down slightly.

A soft pattern of knocks pulled Charlie from this little trance he was in and he glanced over his shoulder, calling for whomever it was to come in.

But the flash of red-hair that came through the door made his jaw clench and brows furrow.

"Simon piss you off?" Charlie questioned, a humourless chuckle escaping him as he shook his head in almost disappointment.

"What-no. I just...wanted to make sure you were okay." Clary admitted, her hands becoming clammy in anticipation. She had been subjected to a scolding conversation by Izzy, telling her that she needed to pay more attention to her brother, so that's what she was doing.

"Well I'm fine. You can go. I know you're bursting to get back to Simon." He spat back, having no patience for the redhead that had assumed everything was fine between them.


"Save it." He turned around and glared at Clary, the girl gasping as her hand flew to her mouth. She took careful steps towards him, her hand slowly rising to graze over the dark bruise that was along one side of Charlie's face.

As quick as she had done it, Charlie forced her hand away. He gripped onto her shoulders, turned her around and forced her out of the room, not closing the door just yet as determination set in on his brow as a few words came to mind.

"I feel sick knowing you didn't even care enough to come help when I was hanging off that roof." He glowered, watching Clary's eyes widen in shock. "I feel sick knowing that you'd only come to my door once someone else told you to."


"Because if the past week has taught me's that you don't give a rats ass about me." He glared and took a step back, shutting the door with that much force that it shuddered on the hinges.

He took slow steps towards the full length mirror in the corner of his room, staring down upon his reflection. Messy blonde hair, pinched brows, reddened and watery blue eyes, heaving chest, clenched fists and clothes that were ruffled in some places. His bottom lip quivered, his nostrils flaring.

Ducking his head, Charlie let out a small yet ear piercing sob. It was quiet, like a whisper, but it showed how hurt he was. It was ear piercing in the sense that if you were to listen closely and absorb the sound, your ears would ring whilst your heart clenched with pain for him.

When he closed his eyes tightly, tears falling down his cheeks uncontrollably, he scowled and pulled his arm back before sending his fists into the mirror with force. At first it simply cracked, Charlie's grunt of pain echoing off of the walls. But after that, the next three hits, and the mirror shattered, leaving Charlie to punch the framing behind it before that cracked and splintered. Splatters of blood  covered the wood, the glass shards and Charlie's fist.

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