Chapter Thirteen

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(pls comment and vote) aha...hi guyssssss. Long time no see, huh? please  don't hate ne.

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Charlie had barely wandered, he had thought of grabbing another whisky bottle or perhaps something like a bottle of wine, but the ground beneath him shifted and he felt nauseous. His hand went to the side, of which a wall had been there but not anymore. His knees hit the ground with a thump and he groaned, slowly picking himself back up. He looked up, however, and found that the wall had been there the whole time.

"Huh?" He made a noise of confusion as he stood to his full height, staring at the wall as though it would speak and give him the answers to questions he hadn't asked.

"Ugh." He then heard the rather disgusted tone Magnus gave off and he frowned further, looking towards the Warlock. "It's inevitable." A brow raised in suspicion on Charlie's face as he leant against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "After each move, i get the itch to redecorate." He watched as Magnus looked towards Alec, and an unsettling strange feeling sprouted in Charlie's chest as he witnessed it. "Normally, i love a dirty lair, but this one is just sloppy." Magnus used his foot to right a table, and Charlie looked towards Alec to see if the boy reacted much. He didn't, he simply stared at the warlock in confusion.

Until Alec looked to him and caught him staring. His gaze became playful as he quirked a brow and pushed himself off of the wall, heading for Charlie. The blonde almost panicked, wondering on what he had done now to receive the Lightwood's wrath, but he received no such treatment as Alec leant against the wall beside him, their shoulders a hair apart from touching.

So they were basically touching, well more accurately, they were grazing.

"As good as you look with bloody knuckles," Alec's voice was deep as he leant his head down in order to speak to Charlie and Charlie alone, "stop hurting yourself."

"The fucker deserved it." Was the boy's savage response as a grin settled onto his lips before he turned his head, their noses grazing and lips almost touching. "Besides, who knew you were such a flirt Mr. Brooding Mysterious?"

"Only for you." Alec nudged Charlie, the boy snickering along. He pretended as though it were simple friendly banter, like it meant nothing, but it meant everything.

"Besides," Charlie heard Magnus say and so he looked over and watched as the jewelled necklace they were to use to bait Magnus had been placed around Izzy's neck. "This would look silly on your brother."

"Okay, so, how do we summon the memory demon?" Clary quickly asked as she stood swiftly, evidentally having enough of the fact all the attention wasn't on her. People's smiled slightly dropped as they looked towards her.

"Are you certain?" Magnus asked her, and she nodded profusely, watching as he walked out from behind Izzy and to stand in between the group of Shadowhunters. "Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal."

"Oh, fun. Let's go hop-skip and do that, then, hm?" Charlie's sarcastic retort elicited a smile from Clary as she looked to him. She believed he was being genuine, and she felt happy to have her brother on her side, but she didn't realise he was joking. How embarrassing.

"I'll do anything to save my mother." Clary spoke up more, nodding her head firmly before looking towards Charlie. "Right, Char?" She missed the roll of the eyes he gave as he pushed himself off of the wall and shook his head, unbelieving what he was hearing.

"You get told something could be dangerous and you get a little too excited about it for my liking." He told her honestly, kissing his teeth and looking towards those he had slightly made friends with before settling his gaze on Alec. "Lunatic. I swear i'm not related to her." He kept his voice low, but Magnus heard and snickered.

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