It's really cold...

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Hey guys! sorry it's been a while
this is a fluff i think?? yah idk but enjoy
also tysm for 800+ total reads love u all

It was midnight, the band and Y/n had just arrived at their hotel after a long flight, Germany to LA. They all walked up to the reception, exhausted and a little moody. The team were at the desk asking about your rooms and apparently they were one room short, meaning one of you guys had to share.

Y/n was sitting anxiously on one of the seats, waiting to find out who's getting a room to their own and who's sharing.

'Bill and Y/n, are you guys okay with sharing?' One of Tokio Hotel's team members asked.

Bill's face lit up slightly and said 'Yeah, that's fine by me.'

You nodded, too exhausted to even talk. Bill walked over to you and asked if you were okay.

'Yeah, I'm fine, just really tired.' You replied, your head still down.

'Let's go to the room then shall we?' He replied, reaching out his hand for you to take.

You take his hand and begin walking to the room, ur arm linked with his and bag in the other hand. You guys get to the room and there's one big bed.

'Oh...uh I kinda thought there would be two beds?' You said, a little shocked.

'It's not an issue, I don't mind sharing.' Bill replied, looking over at you smiling.

'Uh...sure okay..' You replied, a little hesitant as you had a secret crush on Bill and were nervous about the whole situation in the first place.

You place your bag down and unzip it, pulling out a pyjama set.

You place your bag down and unzip it, pulling out a pyjama set

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'I'm just gonna go downstairs and change's a shame there isn't a bathroom in our room.' You said to him, pyjamas in hand.

'I mean, you can change in here, I won't look, saves you taking the elevator or walking down all those stairs...' He replied, looking over at you shyly.

You nodded and moved ur finger in a circle, hinting to him to turn around. He turned around on the bed and covered his eyes as you began getting changed. You took it layer by layer but refused to stand naked just incase.

Bottoms went on, then top. 'Okay Bill, you can look.' You said to him, now dressed.

He smiles at you and says 'I love your pyjamas, mine are boring, anyway my turn to change! Turn around please.'

He changes into blue plaid pj bottoms and a black t shirt.

'Okay, done, you can look now too

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'Okay, done, you can look now too.'

You turn back around and say, 'They're just pyjamas silly, you look fine don't worry.'

He gets onto the left side of the bed and get's comfortable, you do the same but with the right side, faced away from each-other.

'Night Bill.' You said to him, switching off the light.


'What's up?' You replied.

'It's kind of cold...this is going to sound really cheesy but...could I hold you maybe?' Bill said, his head turned slightly to face you.

'Sure...why not' You said to him, now blushing slightly.

^^ u guys cuddle like this idk 😭

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^^ u guys cuddle like this idk 😭

'Goodnight cutie~' He said to you, teasingly.

SORRY ITS SHORT + sorry if there's any spelling mistakes i don't have time to go thru it
but yah just a small fluff for u guys considering i havent written for a while !! (also struggling w tenses atm so mb if it changes from present to past all the time)

as usual, requests down below plz !!
word count- 603

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