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Jusuf Nurkic POV:

Hi My name is Jusuf Nurkić, I am the Center for Portland Trailblazers. In case you may be wondering how I met Meyers Leonard? Well, he went to Bosnia to explore the city but little did I know I'm about to meet the match who would soon become my boyfriend. However, my father doesn't approve my relationship with him I don't know why but my mom understands that me and Meyers were always closer than ever. Well let's begin the story on how I meet the guy.

Jusuf Nurkic POV in Bosnian:

Zdravo Moje ime je Jusuf Nurkić, ja sam Centar za Portland Trailblazers. U slučaju da se možda pitate kako sam upoznao Meyersa Leonarda? Pa, otišao je u Bosnu da istražuje grad, ali nisam znao da ću upoznati par koji će uskoro postati moj dečko. Međutim, moj otac ne odobrava moju vezu s njim, ne znam zašto, ali mama razumije da smo ja i Meyers uvijek bili bliži nego ikad. Pa da počnemo priču o tome kako sam upoznala tog tipa. (Hi My name is Jusuf Nurkić, I am the Center for Portland Trailblazers. In case you may be wondering how I met Meyers Leonard? Well, he went to Bosnia to explore the city but little did I know I'm about to meet the match who would soon become my boyfriend. However, my father doesn't approve my relationship with him I don't know why but my mom understands that me and Meyers were always closer than ever. Well let's begin the story on how I meet the guy.)

Summer 2017
Jusuf Nurkic's bedroom,
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Jusuf, probudi se! Zakasnit ćeš na avanturu sa svojim mlađim bratom Kenanom (Jusuf, Wake up! You're going to be late for the adventure with your little brother Kenan.)," Hariz enters the room shouting at Jusuf to wake up. "Tata, možeš li mi dati barem petnaest minuta? Nisam još potpuno budan. (Dad, can you please give me at least fifteen minutes? I'm not fully awake yet.)," Jusuf shouted back with the BTS blanket covering his face (Who knew Jusuf is into BTS.) Not only that, Jusuf's bedroom was a mess with his underwear scattering on the carpet, shirts, shorts, dresses etc. "You know, you haven't cleaned your room yet Jus," "Dad, it's not even a big deal! You know?" Jusuf protests. "If you say so," He said walking downstairs to the dining room.

15 minutes later,

Jusuf goes downstairs wearing the silk robe that his mother bought for Christmas. "Jusuf you're here," His mother was surprised to see her son wearing the nightgown and a silk robe. "So mom, what on earth is dad doing?" "He's just making sure you're doing what he tells you. Besides, you and your brother are going out for a bond," "I know that Mom," Jusuf said. "Come on let's eat," Kenan Nurkic sat next to Jusuf when he knew what it was like to be awakened by his father.

Kenan Nurkic: Dude! Dad was an absolute joke for waking us up.

Jusuf Nurkic: yeah tell me about it.

Kenan Nurkic: anyways Tata said about us going out.

Jusuf Nurkic: yeah.

Kenan Nurkic: No rush, I just wanted you to rest

Jusuf Nurkic: ok

When they went out on a brotherly bonding. Kenan noticed the red stain on Jusuf's shorts. "Uh Jusuf? There's something behind you," "What is it?" Jusuf wasn't sure if there was something wrong with him. His brother kept thinking he sat on the ketchup but no, it wasn't the ketchup, it was something else. "I think you have a red stain on your shorts," "What?" Jusuf looks back and saw the red stain on his shorts.

Kenan Nurkic: Are you on your period?

Jusuf Nurkic: yeah why?

Kenan Nurkic: I think you started yours this morning.

Jusuf Nurkic: You're kidding right? Oh my Lord! This is unbelievable 😒

Kenan Nurkic: For a split second, I thought Mom bought some pads.

Jusuf Nurkic: I know but there's none left. What will Tata think of this period nightmare?

Kenan Nurkic: I don't know, just tell him that you sat on the ketchup and it went on your pants.

Jusuf Nurkic: Oh haha you know I would. One problem, I didn't tell Mama about this because I don't want Tata to hear it.

Kenan Nurkic: It's fine, let's go to the store.

They ended up going to the store to buy pads since Jusuf had started his period due to the fact that he had been irritable and had mood swings for the last couple of weeks. Not to mention he had a premenstrual syndrome which it can drive him mad when provoked. When they bought the pads from the store, Jusuf sees the person who was traveling solo and noticed it was the person that was someone familiar to him. However, Jusuf wanted to be personal with his little brother when he confirmed that he was on his period.

Jusuf Nurkic: Ja sam takva budala Kenan. To je razlog zašto tati nikad nisam spomenuo doba u mjesecu o tome. (I am such a fool Kenan. That's the reason why I never mentioned the time of the month to my dad about it.)

Kenan Nurkic: Znam, ali šta se dešava ako planirate da zatrudnite? (I know, but what happens if you're planning to become pregnant?)

Jusuf Nurkic: Još ne znam jer tata ne zna za planove za bebu. (Don't know yet since Dad doesn't know about the baby plans.)

Kenan Nurkic: ok

Jusuf Nurkic: anyways, let's fall in love so that I can get out of the store because I'm not in a mood to deal with this right now.

Kenan Nurkic: Ok.

Jusuf Nurkic & Meyers Leonard: The Kissing BoothWhere stories live. Discover now