Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


As much as I didn't want to get my mate involved in this mess, I knew it had to be done. She was also the leader of the Aloreans just as I was. She deserved to know everything that happened. Sighing, I leaned back against the cushion while Nuri laid tucked into my side with the loose blanket covering both of us. "I'm ready." Her small voice came as she threw a leg over my own.

"I don't think I've ever told you about the occupants of this planet. You're on Sinniriel that was created by the Great Goddess and the mother of all, Storrerhia. Four gods and four goddesses were created to peacefully rule and populate this planet. Each God and Goddess had their own tribe and their own duty to the rest of the planet." I explained as she nodded.

"That's a lot to remember but I'll keep up."

"Storrerhia created the first four-three Goddesses and one God-who each took a piece of the planet and made it to their liking. The first was Apia, the Goddess of loyalty and mates, who created the Undergrounds. I'll tell you more about each after I tell you who made what."


"The second was Alorea, the Goddess of justice, who created the mountains. The next was Idetria, the Goddess of growth and harvest, who created the Mirage. And lastly was Niamavar, the God of the ocean and healing, who created the Black Ocean. These four worked together to populate the planet with greenery and water that grew in places that you'd never think was possible." I explained while pulling her close as she stared up at the stars.

"Like the water and plants here in the mountains?" She questioned as I nodded.

"Yes, even the desert was once filled with greenery and water. Once the planet was liveable, they each created their own people based off of what their lorna, Storrerhia, showed them of Earth and its tales. It was even rumored that Storrerhia herself came from Earth but nobody really knows as it's hard to meet the mother of all. Anyway, everybody lived in peace for a while before Alorea, the Goddess of our tribe, created her twin-Odeolan, the God of Prosperity-who brought more space to the mountains along with the cold white ash that you called snow. He stuck to the top of the mountains where he created his own tribe of people who could withstand the coldness."

"Okay, so now there's five in total excluding Storrerhia. Two share the mountain while everybody else had their own territory?" Nuri asked while looking up at me as I nodded.

"For now. After a while, Storrerhia created the last two Gods-Tiocraven, the God of the hearth and home, and Ijirat, the God of trade. Tiocraven lived in the Undergrounds with Apia while Ijirat lived in the Mirage with Idetria. Each tribe had their own breed of people. For example, the Aloreans look like dragons to the human eye." I explained as she nodded. "My people take on three forms-this form, our true form as you've seen in the desert, and our weakened form. We and the Odeolans are the only two tribes that have more than two forms. Nobody usually sees the Odeolans except a few when they descend the mountain to perform their sacred rituals."

"Sacred ritual? Do you...kill and sacrifice people to your deities?" She hesitantly asked as I couldn't help the laughter that rolled out of me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. No, my heart. The sacred ritual is like a trial where two mates perform to show their selective God or Goddess that they are ready for an eternity together. If the two mates complete the trial, they become one before the Gods and Goddesses and are mated for life. That's why I wanted to court you properly. I wanted to take my time getting to know you because our people just rush off to perform the sacred ritual without getting to know who they're going to spend the rest of their life with. I didn't want to do that to you." I admitted as she looked up at me with this warm look in her eyes.

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