Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


I stood amongst many of the Alorean warriors as we all watched Mizail and his dad argue over who would be on who's team. Apparently, once they're at their destination, sometimes the hunting group splits into smaller groups to hunt more efficiently and bring back more kills. But, at this moment, those two were having a heated argument about who would go with who including me not being with Mizail.

"I'll go with Vutur if that pleases you." I spoke up as the warriors all looked at me, some with worry and some with sneers. "We're all going to meet back up anyway so it doesn't bother me." I added though I could see it was bothering Mizail. He studied me for a second as his tail thumped against the sand in frustration before he sighed. His dad huffed in triumph before he spoke.

"Good! You know your place! Now, Dralnith, you three, and the human will be with me. Ahmaer can stay with his master as well as Azora." Vutur sneered as Adai's hand shot up like she was in class trying to get the teacher's attention.

"I wish to be a part of your team, Vutur! My healing is almost on the same level as Lyrasso’s!" She shouted, a look of determination on her face as I couldn't help but feel relieved. He studied Adai for a few quiet seconds before his eyes quickly shifted to me.

"Fine. We'll need somebody to carry back the human's mangled body anyway." He hurled another insult my way as I smiled up at him, much to his surprise.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." With that, I smiled even bigger as the warriors whispered in hushed tones while Mizail shook his head, trying to hide his smile. As they continued talking though it turned into more arguing, Adai made her way over to me. "I'm very thankful for you." I whispered in a hushed tone as she smiled at me.

"I wouldn't dare leave you alone with him and his little gang of followers." She laughed while enlacing our arms before leaning over to whisper in my ear. "We're in for the time of our lives. He specifically chose people who are against Mizail and you. Like him over there, that's Dralnith. He's been trying to get Mizail's position since he took over." She whispered while slowly turning me to my right as my eyes landed on a dark green scaled Alorean who was intensively watching the argument unfold. Almost as if feeling our gazes, his sharp green eyes turned and looked at us, like he was studying us. There wasn't any expression on his face whatsoever until Azora spoke up, interrupting Mizail and his dad's fourth argument at this point. As soon as his gaze switched from us to her, something familiar crossed his face. It was warm like a summer breeze yet something dark soon replaced it as Mizail said something.

It looked like love and jealousy.

"Adai, did you see that?" I questioned while looking over at her as she nodded, a look of shock flashing across her face quickly.

"I did. I'll let my mate know, but let's keep this between us three until we're all alone." She whispered back as I caught the eyes of a few warriors looking our way before nodding. "Anyway, he's a good warrior and fights just as hard as Mizail. Now, those three aren't usually together but it's suspicious now that they are. No need to worry about the guys but the girl is the one you should probably keep an eye on." She explained, returning back to our previous conversation as I glanced over at the two males before looking at the smaller female. In a sense, she seemed familiar almost as if I had seen her before. Bright green eyes stared at the sand beneath her feet as she nervously twisted her dark green scaled hands together.

"She seems familiar." I murmured as Adai nodded.

"She should. She was with Ahmaer and Mizail when they first brought you to the tribe. It seemed she had some type of opposition about you back in the desert because Mizail chewed her out." Adai informed me as I nodded before I felt somebody’s gaze burning into the side of my head. Glancing over the crowd, I wasn't surprised when my eyes locked with Dralnith again. Though this time, his gaze was cold and a scowl was on his humanoid face. "Don't worry about him. He's probably mad about us being paired with him and his sister. I believe that is the right human term." She explained as I quickly turned back to Adai.

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