Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Time seemed to fly by after the hunting mission went astray. Vutur remained quiet the entire trip back to the tribe where we were greeted by our people. Even with all of the events that took place during the hunting season, we brought back far more food than we needed. Our people would make it through until the next hunting season that happened after the mating season. And with Kaisen’s new improvements that he added to his telecommunicators, these calendars now had months, so we could tell when is what.

On the other hand, Nuri seemed much happier. I have as well. It seemed as if talking with Nuri about Calix lifted a boulder off of my shoulders. I could freely bring him up to her throughout our everyday tasks, and she'd stop and listen while giving me one of those beautiful smiles. It was like I couldn't get enough of her happiness.

As the days progressed into weeks, though, I put a suggestion out there that since Nuri spends more time at my house that she should just move in with me. I was hesitant about asking her as I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or like she had to. But, to my surprise, she turned shy and asked if it was okay with me. Everything was okay with me when it pertained to my mate! With that, the following days were spent moving Nuri's things into my room while adding some of her sewing things to the sunroom as she enjoyed being out there. She blamed it on her powers slowly coming back, but I told her I didn't mind because I didn't. Not only did I get to see her work, but I also got to enjoy her breaks. The same breaks where I'd kiss her and taste every bit of her until she was crying my name and begging for more.

But besides that, everything was going great. Inzeh's mate, Yareli, would request to see Nuri for her usual checkups to make sure Nuri's powers were still coming back like they should. When we weren't requested by Yareli, it was Wren, Micah's mate. When we'd go see them, Micah would be a fumbling mess around his mate who would smile and tease him. Nuri's first time seeing him had us all laughing as she marveled at him and his people. It was good to see my buddies all found their mates as well.

Soon, the days flew into weeks again with bliss before the sandstorm season fell upon us. Looking around the quiet living room, I sighed. My heart was off helping my lorna and the ladies of her old area set up for the festivities and our new visitors. Not only were Kaisen and Lily coming this time as usual, but so were Micah, Wren, and Yareli. Inzeh had duties that he had to attend to no matter how much he put them off, but I knew it was just his lorna interfering. She was much like Vutur. Once they got their mind set on ruining somebody’s life, they stuck to it.

Shaking my head, I lifted myself up from the sofa before stretching my entire body along with my wings. As I pressed my wings against my back, a soft knock rang throughout the house. "Who could that be?" I mumbled while heading towards the door before pulling it open. Frowning, I stared at the unlikely pair occupying my front porch. "What are you two doing here?" I asked while glaring at Dralnith and the young warrior that was part of Nuri's hunting group. They looked at each other before dropping down on one knee while bowing their heads and lowering their wings. It was a show of submission, but why would they be doing that here?

"We wish to apologize for all of the things we've done to you and your mate." Dralnith replied, quickly answering my unasked question. "After the things that went on during our hunting expedition, we truly understand now that Vutur's words are nothing but lies, and he uses nothing but underhanded tactics to get what he wants." He continued as I could feel my frown deepen.

"What are you talking about, Dralnith?"

"Since you took over as leader, your lorno has been pushing Azora onto you, right?" He inquired while looking up at me as I growled at him. Did he come all this way to bring up the obvious and waste my time when I could be making dinner for my mate? "Azora already has a mate. Both Vutur, her, and I know this as she's my mate. The only reason I decided to continuously challenge you for your position was because of your lorno and Azora. She only wants the powers of a leader, and I just want her." He confessed as I could care less about him and his love affairs.

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