Chapter 3: Enchanted Awakening

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Noah paced back and forth as the police questioned him about the accident. The red and blue lights from the patrol car spun around him, making him feel dizzy and sick. His stomach churned, and he tried not to throw up. He glanced at the little boy Lilian had saved. The boy's mother, her face wet with tears, was wrapping him in a blanket. She felt guilty for not watching her son more closely but was very thankful that Lilian had saved him.

Noah also saw the truck driver, who looked scared and shaken as he described what happened.

"Tell me, what exactly did you see?" the police officer asked, his tone serious.

"The woman just suddenly ran into the road," the driver explained, his voice shaking. "I didn't see her until it was too late. I hit the brakes as hard as I could to stop, but it all happened so fast... I couldn't stop in time," he said, looking bewildered and regretful.

The officer rubbed his head, looking at Noah before turning back to the driver. "But where is her body?" he asked, sounding frustrated. This was a question the officers kept asking.

Noah sighed deeply, trying to piece together what happened. It was as much a mystery to him as it was to the police. When Lilian had run off, it took him a moment to understand her panic. Seeing the boy on the road and the truck coming, he quickly realized the danger. He ran after Lilian, his heart racing with fear as the truck's headlights grew closer. When he saw her push the boy to safety, his fear grew. The last thing he saw before the impact was Lilian being hit by the truck at full speed. A terrified scream escaped him.

"Lilian!!!" he cried out.

"Is it possible for a person's body to disappear after an accident?" the police officer asked the driver, waiting for a response from Noah as well.

Despite the efforts of the fire brigade and police officers, hours passed, and Lilian's body remained missing. It was like she had vanished without a trace.

"Lilian, where are you?" Noah whispered, his eyes scanning the dark sky, which mirrored the emptiness he felt inside. A cold wind swept across his face, bringing with it a shiver of despair. Please, please let Lilian be safe, he prayed.


Lilian felt the soft, cozy bed under her as she slowly woke up. The sweet smell of the morning sun filled the air, and cheerful bird songs seemed to celebrate the day. She took a deep breath, stretched her tired muscles, and felt a burst of energy that made her feel alive and refreshed.

Yawning, she opened her eyes to greet the morning, but her excitement quickly turned to confusion. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the window, her heart racing with wonder.

"Where am I?" she asked herself. She found herself in a tower overlooking a cliff, with grand castles on the mountains. Waterfalls flowed endlessly down the sides, and lush trees covered the land. The view was unlike anything she had ever seen. She gasped, overwhelmed by the stunning beauty.

Leaning further out the window, she saw huge statues guarding the entrance of a nearby castle. One statue was a warrior in full armor, and next to it was another figure, as if they were in a fierce battle, protecting each other. The scene was incredibly beautiful.

"Why am I here?" Lilian wondered again, struggling to understand her new surroundings.

As Lilian looked at the amazing view, she became more aware of what she was wearing. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the dress she had on. It was a light, airy fabric that seemed to glow softly in the morning light. The dress flowed gracefully around her, reaching the floor in gentle waves that brushed against her skin. It covered her from neck to toe, with delicate lace patterns along the edges and sleeves. Every move she made the dress ripple and flutter, giving her a feeling of weightlessness that seemed magical and unreal.

"What is happening?" she whispered to herself. She stopped and pinched her arm, trying to figure out if this was still a dream or if she had truly passed away. Was this her lifelong fantasy come true, or was she losing her mind?

Clearing her throat, Lilian sat on the edge of the bed, trying to remember how she ended up in this magical place. Her memory was clear: after the truck hit her, she heard Noah's distant cry and felt herself being moved. She remembered the amazing tree that seemed to call her. A sharp pain in her stomach came with the memory of feeling like she was falling endlessly. It had been confusing and scary, and she remembered screaming in fear before escaping.

Lilian closed her eyes. The soft rustling of the dress against her skin reminded her that this place was unfamiliar. When she opened her eyes, the perfect scenery outside seemed almost like a dream. She wondered quietly, "Could this be what they call eternal paradise? Is this the afterlife? Am I dead?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

Lost in her thoughts, Lilian didn't notice the figure entering the room quietly. The air seemed to shift slightly as they arrived, accompanied by a faint rustling sound. The figure wore a large, dark cloak that covered them completely, making them blend into the shadows and adding a sense of mystery.

The figure's calm, smooth voice broke the silence. "Do you like what you see?" The gentle tone was in sharp contrast to Lilian's anxious feelings.

Lilian's heart raced as she turned toward the voice. She took a cautious step back, trying to see if the figure was familiar or a threat.

"Don't be afraid; I'm not here to harm you," the figure said soothingly, noticing her fear.

"I don't know where I am or what happened to me..." Lilian whispered, her voice shaking with uncertainty.

The man stepped closer but stopped intentionally, moving carefully so he wouldn't scare her. "You are in the kingdom of Silla," he said. "I found you lying in the forbidden forest, nearly unconscious. I'm curious about who you are and how you got here."

Lilian looked down, trying to understand if she was in a kind of afterlife or a new world.

"Why were you in the forbidden forest?" he asked softly, his voice both inviting and unsettling.

She swallowed nervously, drawn to the way he spoke. "I don't know how I got there; I'm not sure what's happening. I only remember the enchanted tree calling me..." she whispered.

Her breath caught when she felt his fingers gently brush through her hair. She hadn't noticed him moving closer until now. She stayed still, trying not to react out of fear.

"Fiery red hair... very interesting," he said, his fingers lightly playing with her hair, looking intrigued.

"Please, who are you?" Lilian asked quietly.

The man paused, then slowly lowered his hand as he removed his cloak, revealing his face. His deep green eyes seemed to bore into Lilian's very soul, their intensity both captivating and unnerving.

"I am Kalen," he said simply.

Lilian was left awestruck, unable to tear her gaze away from the enigmatic figure before her.

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