Chapter 13: A Kingdom's Fate

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Obene stood before the towering statues at the palace entrance, his mind still consumed by the recent conversation with the King of Silla. As he inhaled the crisp morning air, his thoughts drifted to the future of this realm, and a sense of unease settled in his chest. Since childhood, the teachings of Lavitica had been deeply ingrained in him—loyalty, duty, and obedience to the crown. The idea of defying his oath, of making choices that deviated from his lifelong training, seemed almost unthinkable. Yet, a sliver of doubt began to creep into his mind.

If I betray King Marlin, his wrath could doom us all, Obene thought fearfully.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Obene decided there was no point in dwelling on them now. His mission was clear, and he would fulfill it as the right hand of Marlin, the commander of Lavitica. Perhaps, in the future, if his beliefs shifted, he might make different choices. But for now, duty came first.

As he made his way back to his chambers, he felt the unmistakable sensation of being watched. Obene smirked to himself. Whoever it was had been shadowing him since his arrival in Silla, never letting their gaze waver. He wondered who had ordered this surveillance, but he couldn't blame them. After all, he was an enemy in their midst.

Obene shrugged off the presence and quickened his pace, determined to reach his quarters. But just as he was about to enter the palace, a sudden wave of weakness overtook him. His legs buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, his energy rapidly draining.

What is this? Obene thought, lifting his head to find himself in an unfamiliar, narrow hallway. He had never seen this passage before, and he had been vigilant for any secret entrances that might reveal the castle's secrets. The hallway seemed to hum with energy, sending vibrations through his body that made his heart pound with a strange anticipation.

Driven by curiosity, Obene forced himself to walk down the hallway, his steps unsteady as he sought the source of this disturbance. The further he went, the more the vibrations intensified, guiding him toward something unknown. When he reached the end of the hallway, he gasped. Before him lay a labyrinth, its high brick walls looming twelve feet above him, obscuring any view of what lay beyond. Despite the maze's intimidating size, Obene felt a strange pull, as if he instinctively knew where to go.

Minutes passed as Obene navigated the maze, his movements almost automatic, until he found himself standing before a massive metal door. It was enormous, far too heavy to move by force alone. The door was adorned with intricate symbols and ancient drawings, their meanings lost to time.

What is this place? Obene wondered, his hand reaching out to touch the carvings. As his fingers brushed against the door, he noticed a series of words etched into the metal:

Offer thy blood, to gain sight of thy birthright, for He who shows his value can gain its might.

Obene hesitated, trying to decipher the meaning. But before he could ponder further, a sharp prick pierced his finger. A drop of blood fell on the door, and suddenly, a loud clanging sound echoed through the hallway as the door began to move. He stepped back, watching in awe as the entrance slowly opened, revealing what lay beyond.

His heart raced as he peered inside. Could this be what King Marlin had been seeking all along?

The door finally settled, and Obene took a deep breath before stepping through the threshold. The room was bathed in a blinding light, forcing him to squint until his eyes adjusted. When they did, he saw it—a crystal stone, suspended in the air a granite altar. Even from a distance, Obene could feel the immense power radiating from the stone.

"There it is," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

This was it—the precious treasure that protected Silla, the magic stone that Marlin had long desired. If Obene took it now, the kingdom's protective barrier would fall, leaving Silla vulnerable to Marlin's conquest. But as the realization sank in, a bitter taste filled Obene's mouth. He knew the devastation that would follow if he fulfilled his mission.

The conflict within him grew, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. There was no turning back once he acted. What would be the best course of action?

Obene clenched his jaw, his mind racing through the possible outcomes. But in the end, his loyalty to Lavitica won out.

"For loyalty and service," he whispered, the words heavy with resolve as he climbed the towering altar, reaching for the stone that held the last hope for the kingdom of Silla.

Obene moved swiftly through the palace, his steps quick and deliberate as he plotted his escape. His hand instinctively touched the stone hidden in his pocket, feeling its cold surface as if to reassure himself that it was still there. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of being caught, but he exhaled in relief when he finally reached his chambers. Without wasting a moment, he grabbed his armor and sword, fastening them securely. He paused briefly, considering if there was anything else he needed to take with him.


Obene shook his head, conflicted. He wasn't sure if Lilian would understand the decision he had made. He needed to plan how to convince her, but for now, he focused on the task at hand and stepped out of his room.

The kingdom was shrouded in darkness, and Obene skillfully blended into the shadows, moving with practiced stealth. He made his way to the back of the palace, calculating that a few more steps would lead him to the massive garden that connected to the woods. His mind was set—once he reached the forest outside the palace, it would be his ticket home.

Obene was no stranger to concealing his presence. His movements were light and fluid, and he carefully avoided the patrolling soldiers in the distance. The eyes that had been spying on him earlier seemed to be gone, giving him a false sense of security. He was only a few meters away from his destination when suddenly, a warm hand gripped his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

Obene turned sharply, his eyes meeting Lilian's wide, startled gaze.

"You're leaving," she stated simply, her voice a mix of disbelief and hurt.

Obene tried to steady his racing heart. How did she find me? Does she know?

"I have to, Lilian. This isn't where I belong," he answered, his voice firm yet tinged with regret.

"Without saying goodbye?" Her eyes glistened with emotion, and Obene felt a pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry. I've never been good at saying goodbye," he admitted, facing the thoughts about Lilian that had plagued him earlier.

In truth, Obene was determined to return to Lavitica, lead his men back to Silla, and retrieve Lilian by any means necessary. But bringing her with him now was a risk he wasn't willing to take.

"You have what you came for," Lilian said, her gaze drifting to his pocket. Obene instinctively grasped the stone hidden there.

"Can you sense it?" he asked, his voice low.

Lilian nodded. She could feel the vibrations emanating from Obene, the force concentrated in his side pocket. She didn't know the specifics of Marlin's orders, but she knew it couldn't be good.

"Please, Obene, do the right thing. Don't cause any more chaos and devastation," she pleaded, her voice earnest.

"I am doing the right thing—for the kingdom of Lavitica," he responded calmly, though the words felt more like a reassurance to himself than to her.

"But you know this isn't really for the kingdom. It's for a king who wants to rule them all," Lilian argued, desperation creeping into her tone.

Obene took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "Lilian, my beliefs can't change overnight. I am who I am—a commander of Lavitica, loyal to King Marlin. That has been my identity and my purpose, serving my king and country. No matter what you say, that's a fact that won't change."

"But—" Lilian started, only to be interrupted by a rustling sound not far from the woods.

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