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Jimin: W-wait.. I want to tell you something.

Y/N: W-what ?

She felt a little worried czJimin stopped her by holding her wrist tight.

Jimin: I have to leave for my business deal in a week, so you have to live with mom dad or with your parents or will be able to live alo-

Y/N: C-can't you take me with you..

She asked slowly, she didn't want him to leave her so early. Twars were about to pool inside her eyes but his words stopped them.

Jimin: I'll think.

Y/N got so happy that she immediately hugged him and snuggled her face in his crook. Jimin didn't realised what she did, he hugged her back and caressed her back.

Y/N: thank you Jimin.

She lost herself in his arms and m0aned softly as he tightened his grip.. he wanted her so badly but he wasn't able to tell her that, express his feelings to her.. even after she was his wife.

Y/N: J-jimin

Jimin withdrew from the hug and looked at her closely, she was looking so damn beautiful.. it was early in the morning, she was looking a little puffy because she just woke up, Jimin slided her hair strands behind her ear which were falling on her forehead.

He leaned and gently pecked her forehead, she instantly closed her eyes and felt his soft lips of her skin, it felt like heaven.. so adorable. He opened his eyes and saw her pink lips.. so k!ssable.. he wanted to svck her lower lip.


Mature Content Ahead

He didn't waste much time and smashed his lips on hers. Y/N opened her eyes in shock and when she felt his lips on hers.. he passionately asked to explore her mouth. Y/N was innocent.. she didn't know what he was doing with his tongue, she opened her mouth to speak but he forced his tongue inside her mouth and she closed her eyes giving in. She held his shoulders and let him do whatever he wanted.

He made her sit on his lap and caressed her waist, she flinched at that moment and broke the k!ss. Jimin got confused.. he looked at her in confusion yet being worried. But instantly he thought he should have asked fir her permission first.. he was embarrassed but for Y/N,she didn't wanted him to stop it was just so new to her.

Jimin put her on the bad and went inside the restroom leaving Y/N all dumbfounded.

Mature Content Ends

Time skips
At PARK's company

Taehyung: Have you gone mad Jimin ?

Taehyung yelled a little on him when he told him that Y/N also wants to come with him.

Jungkook: Yes.. its dangerous for her to be there..

Jimin: I know but she insisted.. should I take her with me or not, I'm so confused.

Taehyung: Ofcourse not..

Jungkook: I agree with Taehyung.

Jimin: I will

Taehyung: This boy... okat fine but you have to do all arrangements for her security okay, she will be your responsibility ovet there.

Jungkook: Yes.. I won't do a single work of her.

Jimin: She is MY WIFE ! so she is my responsibility and I will do her works.. nobody asked you.. naughty bunny..

Jimin said being irritated and annoyed. Bunny name triggered Jungkook.


Taehyung: Oh no, not today.

Jimin: Wtf.. did you called me..

Jungkook: Who you are.. a short heightened duckling... !! And he stormed out of his cabin.

Taehyung: Hey Jimin-ah calm down, why you called him a bunny, you know.. he hates that.. she a sh00ter.. not a soft toy.

Jimin: That doesn't mean taht is allowed to call me shot heightened.

Taehyung: URGH SHUT UP ! and do the arrangements of your wife's security.. I'll handle that bunny.. oh gosh ! I mean Jungkook.

Jimin scoffed and Taehyung walked out of his cabin as well. Jimin then booked a nice hotel near WHISTLER.. he knows Y/N likes cool and calm places.. he wanted to spend some time with her as well.

He smiled remembering what happened in the morning between him and Y/N...

Jimin: I love you so damn much Y/N..

He wants to confess to her as soon as possible... but his ego, his insecurities stops him. Suddenly something striked his mind.

Jimin: Should I make this our honeymoon trip for her.. mom... !!

He hurriedly called her mom and asked about this to her. She was happy to know that her son was trying to open about his feelings to the girl he loves the most and wants to take her on honeymoon. She was so happy for both of them.


Y/N was walking to and forth in their bedroom, she was worried if Jimin refused to take her with him, she wants to spend time with him.

Suddenly her phone buzzed, she looked towards it and lazily picked up her phone, this interrupted her thoughts of her husband which she didn't liked. She saw notification of a text message from an unknown number.. she opened the notification to read the message.


"Park Y/N, Park's daughter in law and ofcourse Park Jimin's wife... how dare you steal him from me... you don't know me nor I know you but Jimin... he was mine... and I will get him back from you, what do you think, he loves you.... NO !! He only loves me.. mark these words... he can never be yours.."

Tears rolled down Y/N's cheeks... her phonw slipped from her hands and fell down on the floor... did Jimin lied to her.. was everything a lie.. but he never confessed right... she thought wrong of him, of his feelings towards her.. her feelings towards him.

On the other hand..

??: Park Y/N.. no no Shin Y/N.. you won't be park for much time..


??: Jimin babe.. I'll get you back to me again, my darling.. my one and only love.. Sarah is yours and You are mine..




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