Sick [Matt]

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Requested by: Shittydaysinlife

"Can you do one where Matt gets sick? Like- hospital visit sick."

I'm still sick, y'all 😭 BUT it's getting better. My voice sounds horrible, but I can kinda breathe out of my nose (finally)


TW: throwing up, being sick, Hospital, needles/medical stuff,  fainting

When Matt woke up he felt incredibly drained. He laid in bed for a few more minutes until his head began hurting.

Matt sat up and decided he'd just go grab breakfast to stop his headache, assuming the pain was from a lack of food.

Matt started leaving his room before he felt his head pain drop down into his gut. Matt had barely any time to think as his body worked faster than his brain.

Before he knew it, he was in his bathroom violently throwing up into the porcelain bowl. He emptied his already empty stomach. His throat began to burn as the stomach acid rose from his esophagus and scratched at his vocal cords.

When Matt was done, he breathed heavily as spit, tears, and sweat dropped down his face and into the dirty toilet water. Matt gulped before standing up and flushing the toilet; he brushed his teeth and just decided a nice shower would help.

When Matt was done showering, he put on a tank top and sweatpants. He walked into the living room where Chris was.

He flopped down beside Chris, who was quick to scoot away, and closed his eyes.

"Bro, it's only eleven in the morning. Stay awake." Chris scoffs, noticing Matt's sleepiness.

"I can't. I don't feel well." Matt whines.

"Did you throw up?" Chris asks.

"Yeah." Matt sighs.

Chris doesn't say a word as he grabs the thermometer and walks back to Matt. He hands it to Matt and walks back into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.

When the thermometer beeps, Chris comes back in. He takes the thermometer and checks Matt's temperature. He's quick to put the water and two pills in Matt's hand.

"100.6" Chris says, walking into the kitchen to put away the thermometer.

Nick comes down the stairs with a smile on his face. "Hey, y'all." He says.

"Matt's sick." Chris responds.

"Uh, a good morning would've been nice?" Nick sasses.

"Good morning, Nicolas." Chris sasses back, rolling his eyes.

Nick smiles and quickly sits beside Matt, pulling him in for a hug and running his fingers through his hair.

"Matt, what's wrong?"

When Matt goes to answer, his nose burns and he ends up sneezing into his elbow. When he leans back, a tear falls down his face.

Nick wipes it away carefully with his thumb as he sighs.

"Did you take medicine?" Nick asks.

Matt nods as he leans his head back against the wall, closing his eyes to sleep.

Chris enters and puts a plate with half-burnt toast on it in Matt's lap. He's smiling as if he's proud of himself.

"This should help." Chris grins.


When Matt is done eating the toast, he goes back to his bedroom to change into something else as he suddenly feels too cold.

He tries to grab a hoodie from his shelf when he feels his legs go numb. He shakily stumbles backwards, black dots clouding his vision like the high branches of a tree covering the night sky in a forest.

He tries to grab his dresser, but his shaking hand misses and before he knows it he's on the floor. Matt feels sweat drip off his body and onto his hardwood floor before everything goes black.


When Matt wakes up he's in a hospital with IVs in his arms. He has a nasal cannula, which confuses him because he doesn't think he needs it.

There's a doctor in the corner of the room, who stops what she's doing to talk to Matt.

"Matthew, hello." She whispers caringly. "I'm your doctor. Okay?" Her voice kind of sounds like Ariel from the original The Little Mermaid. Quiet and feminine.

She smiles at Matt, and when she leans forward to pat his shoulder, her long brown ponytail falls over her shoulder and covers her badge that has her name on it.

Matt nods as he avoids looking into her chocolate brown eyes. Her eyes are beautifully shaped that match her small nose and full lips.

Her cheeks are naturally pink against her pale, freckled face. She has a smile on her face, tugging her pink cheekbones upwards and revealing her dimples.

She moves her small, cold hand off of Matt's shoulder and begins to check some machines around him. She leaves the room without speaking.

She comes back with a male doctor who's tall and has a large frame. His curly black hair falls into his brown eyes. His sharp jaw and frown causes him to look scary. He has a confused look on his face, causing a small wrinkle in between his bushy unkept eyebrows.

He walks pretty slowly, but when he gets to Matt, his confused face becomes a smile.

"Well, Matthew. Your vitals are good. You'll receive water in just a few moments. I reckon you should drink it before you leave." The doctor says, nodding.

Matt nods in agreement before the female doctor walks over with a bottle of water.

It's a normal water bottle, but when Matt sips the water he instantly realizes the foreign sweet taste of it. He pulls it back to study the wrapper, assuming it's flavored.

It's not flavored, but Matt doesn't want to say anything so he continues to take sips as the doctor's remove his IVs.

When they take out the nasal cannula, Matt is helped off the bed and is taken slowly to the front desk. The water bottle is taken from him as he signs out of the Hospital.

He thanked the doctors and the man at the desk before leaving. He sees Nick and Chris standing outside, having called an Uber.

Matt chuckles as he joins them in the backseat. He doesn't know how long he was out for, but it was dark outside so he knows it was all day. He has been feeling better already.

They stop by the pharmacy and get Matt his prescription of antibiotics the Hospital recommended.

Matt takes it every so often for a week, and by the end of it he feels a bit better.

Not 100%, but he's getting there.

Uh, I decided to finally start describing my background characters more so you all can imagine them easier..

Uh, Sturniolo groupchat: don't come at me for saying I was going to upload 2 hours ago 😭🔫


Love y'all!! Have an amazing day! 🥰

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