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H I N A T A:

"What is this Hinata!?" MY father asked me through his gritted teeth, his lavender eyes darker now as he glared my soul.

"This...I..." I sobbed, not a single word coming out of my mouth.


More tears came out of my already swollen eyes, I was crying ugly my entire body shook with fear but all I wanted was to snatch my cell phone from his hand and break it to pieces.

"I can't believe you did such shameful deeds." Every words coming out of his mouth seemed like poison and I wanted nothing but to disappear and never come back.


My cheeks felt numb now, hot tears stream down as he kept slapping me while he reads our chats.

Please don't. The voice in my head screamed but never came out.

His eyes felt like daggers through my body, his slaps felt like a wounds to my soul and his words felt like knife to my heart.

"We are not done yet." He growled an I flinched and he stormed out of the room.

I can't let him read more. Was all I can ever think of, by now my whole face must have swollen. I had no strength left to speak a word or walk out.

I was furious, but so terrified I couldn't recognize my emotions anymore, collecting all my strength I ran into my room and opened my drawer, taking out my diary.

If he gets his hand on this...

I didn't knew why I did that but page by page I tore them all, my diary, my only friend, the only thing who knew everything about me.

It was apart of me. But I had a feeling he would want me to hand this to him, and I don't want him to read anything that's written in here. It will hurt him. It will hurt him so much and right now, I was giving him more than enough reasons to be hurt by me.

Tears ran down my cheeks while I furiously rip every single page, every happy memory, I tear them all with my hands. I was killing myself.

I tore them in uncountable pieces and wet them, removing any chances of him reading anything even if he by any chance find these.

And when I was done disposing them, I scribbled in big letters on the pages that were still left, unfilled.





I wrote those lines as my true feelings like I always did and threw that diary back in the drawer.

Defeated, I laid there on the floor thinking how fucked up my life will be from now on. And why, oh why even after so many warnings, why I did that?

My instincts screamed, warned me again and again to quite, but my brain manipulated me to think them as my stupid thoughts.

How stupid I am, I betrayed him and he will never trust me again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now