1. Fuck him.

135 12 23

( 18 y/o )

First day of school.

Oh, how good could it be?

As good as deciding what to wear from your chosen clothes.

God, this place is packed with people.

I walked down the hallway to my new class at my new school.

Why did we need to change schools in the first place!?

I do not understand it either, but my father thought it was time for me to make some friends and get my innocence out of my system.

As if.

I can not find my class, damn it. Plus, there are so many people here that I am screaming inside.

No, I'm not anxious or anything.

I'm just confused.

Where on earth is that office?

With confusion, I peered down the hallways.

I should have gone on the school tour with my parents because now I am clueless and look foolish.

As I kept moving forward, I heard heavy footsteps approaching me directly. Before I could react, I saw a boy sprinting in my direction, and I gasped in disbelief.

If I didn't move asap we are gonna coll-

Everything went black as I was struck by a lunatix. His hands gripped my head and waist as we collapsed to the ground, and I managed to end up on top of him.

'Oh my God!" I gasped catching my breath.

"Fuck, I would love to have you in this position someday, Moon-eyes," he suddenly flipped us both and now he was on top, I was too stunned to react, 'but right now, gotta go," he winked at me.

But before he could run away like he wanted, two more men appeared in the hallway.

Oh my fuck! My heart escalate even more at the idea of how this situation looked. The brown one winced, the white-haired one looked at us, and I shook my head in denial. Oh no.

Before I knew it, the blonde guy had been dragged away from me, and we had been taken to the principle's office together. Great.

At least I found the office.

"This behavior is unacceptable, Naruto Uzumaki!" The blonde female, who I believe was our principal, yelled at him.

I scowled, thinking this was a complete waste of time. Not only would I be late for my first lesson at my new school, but I would also have to put up with these pointless reprimands in the morning even though I had done nothing wrong at all. This is all the fault of the stupid ass.

These were the longest ten minutes of my life, as I listened to two blonds argue.

"Ms. Hyuga, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced today." Principal Tsunade finally looked at me with a calm expression.

The blonde beside me was still tickling a time bomb, and I had a feeling that if we did not leave soon, the Third World War would break out.

I gave a nod in anticipation that she would finally get to the point and send me to class.

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