3. The Notebook

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H I N A T A :

Another day, another boring ass assembly to endure.

I do not understand why principals have to share a piece of their minds every day; if you have so much, please keep it to yourself. That will be greatly appreciated, for God's sake. But no, they have to speak for a solid ten minutes, eating our goddamn brains.

Thankfully, Principle Tsunade was a bit merciful, though her speech lasted for about 5mins and from the looks of it, she was forced to do it too.

My legs ached as I climbed the stairs to our class, which was up to the fourth block. Holy hell. On top of that, I despise working in the morning. It is so hot!

Mornings are supposed to be lazy.

Everyone looked like a freaking zombie, except for the attractive girls who had their faces painted with makeup. I am too lazy to put on makeup, its already too hard to get ready in 20mins just because i want to sleep more.

Many students have bunked the assembly and I totally envy them. I am also mad at them partially, if we break our legs and attend that stupid assembly for an hour, then everyone should, godamnit.

And one of them was the jerk. I scowled.

When we arrived at class, my eyes naturally landed on my bench and popped out of their sockets as I realized what was going on. Panic settled in my heart, causing an unsettling feeling.
Oh my God.

Naruto. With one of my notebooks. Reading it. Fuck.

I dashed in his direction and tried to grab it from him, but he had some insane reflexes.

"What's the hurry, Smart-ass?" He smirked mockingly. I took a look at the notebook. Shit. It is my journal.

Blood rushed through my veins, and rage erupted in my chest; how dare he!?

"How shameless can you be, huh? Reading someone's personal dairy like that? Dont you have any manner, you jerk!" I accused him, glaring furiously. Panic and anger made it difficult for me to breathe. I tried grabbing it several times.

I am not sure if he read any of it, and I pray to God he did not. Naruto Uzumaki was the last person I wanted to have access to my diary.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know it a personal-fucking-diary when it looks terribly like a regular notebook, Princess?" He glared me hard.

"There is still no reason for you to touch my stuff!" I growled. Fury and frustration were filling my lungs. "Give it back." I glared calmly and held out my hand.

I kept my diary in a notebook for a reason-to avoid drawing attention to it and prevent it from ending up like my previous one did four years ago.

That notebook was my life; it took me years to find it, and I swear to God that if he does anything to it, I will fucking break his face.

When he did not return it, I tried to take it from him, but he was taller. So very tall. "Naruto, give it back!" I kept trying, but he just grinned like it was the most entertaining thing to watch, swinging his hand from right to left and holding it above our heads.

Tears of frustration burned in the back of my eyes, but I would never cry in front of this demon. Never.

"What is the big deal?" Does it contain some of your darkest secrets, little moon?" He whispered, and I could see the amusement in his eyes, along with the smug grin. "It is none of your business!" I grimaced. I did not want to trip over him, so I kept my distance, but it was so hard; I was helpless, and I fucking hated that feeling.

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