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Kim taehyung a doctor from the most famous and authorized hospital of seoul a normal,funny and a guy with cheerful personality
Kim Y/n wife of Kim Taehyung quite reserved, introvert and also a CEO of her father's company

It was almost 11.30 at night Taehyung was waiting for his wife's arrival all worried seating on a couch.
The thing is she has went to a business party yet a meeting.
He was scared and worried and thinking all the bad scenarios which can happen with his wife.
Y/n was neither picking his calls nor checking his messages making him anxious.
Rubbing his hands on his arms trying to keep himself warm from this chilly night he stood up thinking to go and search for her.
As he was about the open the door it got open from the opposite side there revealed his wife
His eyes widen looking at her state all drenched in water, teary red eyes
As soon as Y/n eyes met her husband she hugged him tightly making him widen his eyes more as it's very rare for them to have skin ships it's always him who hugs her , kiss her , or cuddle though she didn't stop him but today when she hugged him shocked him. His thoughts cut off when he heard a sob escape her mouth.
He carefully carried her and made her seat on the couch kneeling in front of her he got a hold of her cold shaky hands
'What happened bubs?' His voice was soft and calm.
She didn't replied and started crying more he quickly got on the couch and hugged her 'cry as much as want now but after that I don't want a single tear in your eyes it hurts me you know'
After crying for almost 15 min. She started speaking.
'When I was coming home my car stopped working in middle of the road as our home was not that far I thaught that I'll have a small walk. But when I was coming suddenly someone started following me I was so scared I can't even call you because my phone's battery died, I somehow escaped from there or I don't know what would have happened with me' she said as a sob left her mouth.
Taehyung hugged her again more tightly this time 'I'm sorry love you have to go through this all alone I'll make sure from next time that I'm with you whenever you are late or better from now I'm gonna drop you to the company and then pick you up'
Y/n smiled looking at him 'I love you' her sudden confession caught him of guard 'Huh?' He blinked twice processing her words
A chuckle escaped her mouth looking at his confused cute state 'what you don't love me anymore now?' She asked making him say 'w-what I ofcourse love you what are you saying it's just that it was so sudden'
She laughed out loud and finally their lips sealed each other. The passionate, loving kiss become rough and hot
They drift part from each other breathing heavily 'I can't describe how much I waited for this moment' saying this Taehyung carried her to the bedroom
It was their night
They made love for the first time giving them each and every part of them to each other
Finally now they become one.

Hope you like it
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