Ice and Fire

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When Min Yoongi married you, it wasn't for love. Theirs was a union of convenience, a decision born out of business necessity and family pressure. Yoongi, known for his cold and unyielding demeanor, was not the type of man to show affection easily. He was a businessman first and foremost, his heart encased in ice, or so it seemed. But beneath the layers of indifference, there was more to Yoongi than met the eye.


The grand mansion echoed with the sound of your footsteps. Each step you took seemed to emphasize the emptiness around you. It had been six months since you married Min Yoongi, and the mansion still felt more like a prison than a home. You walked into the kitchen, where the staff greeted you with polite smiles, and then left you to your thoughts.

Yoongi was always busy, his life revolving around meetings, contracts, and business trips. He rarely spoke to you, and when he did, his words were curt and to the point. Despite the facade of a perfect marriage in public, the reality was far different.

As you poured yourself a cup of coffee, the sound of the front door opening caught your attention. Yoongi had returned earlier than expected. You turned to see him standing in the doorway, his sharp eyes taking in the scene.

"You're home early," you said, trying to keep your voice neutral.

He nodded, not offering any explanation. "There was nothing left to do at the office," he replied tersely.

You nodded, unsure of what to say. Conversation with Yoongi was always like walking on thin ice. He moved past you, heading towards his study. You watched him go, feeling a pang of sadness. You wanted to reach out to him, to break through the icy barrier, but you didn't know how.


Dinner was a silent affair, as it usually was. You and Yoongi sat at opposite ends of the long dining table, eating in silence. You stole glances at him, wondering what was going on in his mind. His face was impassive, giving nothing away.

"How was your day?" you asked, hoping to start a conversation.

"It was fine," he replied without looking up from his plate.

You sighed inwardly, feeling the weight of his indifference. "I thought maybe we could go out this weekend," you ventured. "It's been a while since we did something together."

Yoongi looked up, his eyes piercing. "I have a lot of work to do," he said flatly.

You nodded, not surprised by his answer. "Of course," you murmured, returning to your meal. The rest of dinner passed in silence, each minute feeling like an eternity.


Later that night, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Yoongi was in his study, as usual. You had hoped that marriage would bring you closer, but it seemed to have only created more distance between you.

You got out of bed and walked to his study, knocking softly on the door. There was no answer, so you opened it slightly, peeking inside. Yoongi was sitting at his desk, immersed in his work.

"Yoongi?" you called softly.

He looked up, his expression unreadable. "What is it?" he asked, his tone clipped.

"I just wanted to talk," you said, stepping inside.

"About what?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.

You hesitated, unsure of how to articulate your feelings. "About us," you said finally. "About our marriage."

Yoongi's expression hardened. "There's nothing to talk about," he said coldly. "Our marriage is a business arrangement, nothing more."

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