Unbalanced Affection

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Cheerful sound and laughter of two males was silenced when a knock was heard. The principal who was seating on his black spinny chair regained his composher and asked to enter.

The glass doors slowly opened revealing a young, elegant man. His black leather shoes made a soft rustle. The man stopped making a short eye contact with the boy standing before looking at the principal and speaking "You called me, Sir?" His voice was a bit cold and professional.

The principal looked at him and handeled him a file. The man opened the file glancing at the front page and reading a name highlighted with bold letters 'Cho Min-Yung'. Reading a little more information he gave a short glance at the boy standing right next to him he again looked at the principal. "Why are you sending him to my class?" His voice became colder than usual.

The principal leaned back resting his head on the chair, his hands holding a golden pen while a smug look on his face "Because I own this school"
The man slammed the file on the wooden desk which led to the scattering of the pens resting in the pen holder. The principal raised one of his eyebrows "All the formalities are completed and I assigned him under you expecting pure improvement in his academics. You may leave now" he said keeping his pen on the desk. As the man left followed by the boy who had a smug face.

"This burden I sent will show your real valuation" the principal mumbled to himself before going back to his work.

While walking in the corridor with an irritated face the man heard the loud chatter of students from the classroom he was about to enter. He entered the class just to get a good greetings a paper ball.Min-yung who was standing right at the door giggled but his giggles were soon converted into a shudder as the man's dark gaze fell on him.

The man was hella angry, he took some deep breaths to calm himself before he went to his table standing right in front of the students leaning at the table. All the students in the class sat at their respective seats properly.
Silence......there was utter silence for a few minutes before the class president Kim Y/n stood up "Class stand up." As every student stood up from their seats, Y/n spoke again this time in a sweet voice "Greet the teacher" as these words left her lips, the class said in unison "Good morning Mr. Park" but those words went in deaf ears as the professor was staring at a particular girl. Her soft voice made him wonder and rethink the girl's behaviour since the past but he shrugged his thoughts asking the boy who was standing out from so long to come in.

The boy entered with an enthusiastic smile.
Y/n smile a little looking at the boy making the professor perplexed. He asked the boy to introduce himself with a cold voice. The boy bowed a little to him before turning towards the class "Hi everyone! I'm Cho Min-Yung from Ilsan, I hope you all will enjoy my company and so will I do."

The word Ilsan hit the professor's mind ignoring it as just a coincidence he spoke again "I'm Park Jimin, your Accountancy professor as well as your class teacher, you should go and take your seat." The boy went to seat beside a boy.

Jimin went back to the podium "I hope Min-Yung, you will complete all your notes and backlogs within a week with a complete co ordination of your classmates. Now without any waste let's start" he turned towards the projector, switching it on "yesterday we left on 'allotment'. Let's start by solving this question." Jimin started his lecture.

After an hour of serious studies the bell finally rang.

Jimin spoke at last "alright that's the end. I have already prepared the project titles you will recieve it tomorrow." Saying that he left the class.

Jimin steps halted near his desk, he kept his books seating on the chair and his eyes went on his phone, he unlocked his phone and his finger directly clicked to the gallery icon. He opened the specific folder named "te amo" scrolling through the photos he mumbled to himself, "This is the first time I saw you smiling."

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