Chapter 2: It's

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The bustling cafeteria of SDCI was alive with the sounds of laughter and conversation, but Rodney sat alone at a corner table, picking at his soggy fries, he still felt out of place in the country setting. He imagined the lively group surrounding Ally at lunch and wished he had been lucky enough to have the same lunch period as her. He would've loved to sit next to her as she animatedly discussed yoga poses, from the club she started, with her new friends. Rodney couldn't help but feel a pang of envy, wishing he could be part of that circle.

His focus then switched to a group of guys eating at the table next to his and their discussion about the Turkey Festival. "Ugh, it's like they're speaking some alien language," he muttered to himself, pushing his food around the tray. How was it that Ally could just become one with this while Rodney struggled to find his place?

The bell rang and as if on cue, Matt sauntered through the cafeteria, a confident smirk playing on his lips. Rodney's heart sank as he remembered what he saw earlier at the lockers, Matt's arm casually draped around Ally's shoulders. Flirting, thought Rodney, and he had this casual charm that just drew people to him. Why does he always have to be around her?

A static buzz from the intercom broke Rodney's train of thought, the principal's voice echoed through the school's PA system, "Attention students, a reminder that the homecoming committee will be meeting after school today. The theme is a pumpkin patch, hope to see you all there." The upcoming dance only stressed Rodney out more.

Rodney knew he wanted to ask Ally, but fate seemed to conspire against him. One day, he tripped over a stray backpack just as he approached her, spilling his books all over the hallway and missing his chance. Another time, he found himself tongue-tied when Ally asked him about his weekend plans. "Oh, uh... well, I was going to... never mind," he stammered, his cheeks flushing bright red. Ally just gave him that warm smile and he seemed to melt right there.

Finally, today was the day when he mustered enough courage to ask her to the dance between periods, Ally smiled warmly and said, "I'm actually going with a group of friends, but you should totally join us, Rodney!"

"Sure," he replied with a forced smile, his heart sinking in disappointment. He had hoped for something more than just tagging along. As Ally walked away to her next class, Rodney leaned against the lockers, his thoughts racing. "Why wasn't I more clear?" he scolded himself under his breath. "Well, I guess it's better than nothing."

With each passing day, Rodney couldn't help but wonder what it would take to make Ally see him as more than just a childhood friend. But for now, he'd settle for the chance to hang out with her, even if it meant sharing her attention with Matt.


The gymnasium pulsated with the beat of the music, transformed into a wonderland of twinkling fairy lights and colorful streamers. Rodney stood at the edge of the group Ally had invited him to join, feeling like an undercover agent infiltrating enemy territory. He watched as Ally twirled and laughed with her friends. The sight of Matt's hand resting on her waist ignited a tiny fire in Rodney's chest.

"Hey, you're Rodney, right?" A voice pulled him from his thoughts. He turned to see Parker, his curly hair bouncing with every movement. "I've seen you around school. I'm in science class with Ally. Parker Evans" He held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you," Rodney replied, taking it and giving it an awkward shake. "I'm actually taking science next semester. Ms. Sears does a different experiment every week."

"Definitely! We just started learning about genetics. It's amazing how all living things are controlled by these tiny bits of mRNA," Parker said, eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

"Wow, that does sound fascinating. I can't wait!" Rodney's own excitement bubbled up, and he found himself drawn into conversation. As they chatted about the intricacies of DNA and chromosomes, Rodney felt at ease with Parker a feeling he hadn't experienced since moving here.

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