Chapter 4: Or

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Rodney wandered the fluorescent-lit aisles of Walmart, his eyes scanning the shelves for that sweet Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The store felt like an endless labyrinth, and Rodney couldn't help but envision himself as Theseus navigating the Minotaur's maze. He darted around corners, avoiding employees as if they were mythological demons guarding the treasure he so desperately sought.

"Where is it?" he mumbled to himself, frustration bubbling inside him.

"Looking for something, young man?" A voice startled Rodney from behind, causing him to jump. The Walmart employee stood there eyeing him skeptically.

"Uh, yeah," stuttered Rodney, attempting to maintain his cool. "I'm just trying to find some Ben and Jerry's."

"Ah, the dairy aisle. Just take a left, then a right, and you'll be there," said the elderly woman, who flashed a smile before disappearing like a specter in the night.

"Thanks," Rodney replied to the now-empty space, feeling foolish.

He followed the directions and finally reached the dairy aisle. As he turned the corner, his heart skipped a beat. There, standing in front of the freezers, were Matt and Ally. They were laughing, their voices blending in a melody that made Rodney's stomach churn. He had been avoiding Matt since the party, noting wanting to relive the night's events again. He still felt nauseous every time he thought about it.

"Come on, babe, you know I can't resist those caramel-filled drumsticks," Matt teased, playfully nudging Ally.

"Fine, I'll buy them for you but only if we watch that Meen Girls. I've been dying to see it," Ally countered, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Deal," Matt agreed, leaning in to steal a quick kiss.

"Ugh," thought Rodney, ducking behind the aisle to avoid detection. He hated seeing Ally kissing someone else, and he hated that he felt so jealous no matter how many times he told himself to stop feeling this way. He peered out cautiously, watching their interaction from a safe distance.

His mind drifted back to when he and Ally lived in Toronto before Matt was even part of the picture. They would make treats inspired by Harry Potter and watch the movies together, their laughter filling the room. He wondered if Ally still remembered those times as fondly as he did. He really hadn't talked to her much the past week, she was always busy with Matt-related activities.

"Hey, Rodney!" Ally's voice snapped him back to reality. He hadn't realized they had spotted him.

"Uh, hey," he stammered, stepping into view.

"Didn't see you there," Matt said with a smirk, his arm draped possessively around Ally's shoulders.

"Y-yeah, just looking for some ice cream," Rodney replied, trying to play it cool.

"Nice. Well, enjoy your ice cream, man," Matt said, giving Rodney a dismissive nod before attempting to lead Ally away, though she quickly rolled out from under his arm and turned back towards Rodney.

"Where'd you disappear to, I feel like I haven't seen you since the party. Did you see who threw up all over the barn?" Ally asked, her blue eyes sparkling like diamonds.

"Uh," Rodney hesitated, recalling his hasty exit from the chaotic gathering after getting sick. "I had to go home. My mom was looking for me." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "And I don't remember seeing anyone really, certainly no one throwing up."

Ally laughed, a laugh that sounded like wind chimes in the breeze. "That's okay, it was kind of a mess. We have to hang out again soon, alright?" She waved goodbye.

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