Chapter 19: Happy

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The dim glow of the television illuminated the cozy scene on the couch in Rodney's living room. Rodney and Parker were snuggled together under a warm blanket, Monster's Inc. playing on the screen. Rodney couldn't help but feel his heart swell with happiness as he reveled in this rare alone time with Parker, they had been together a month but it still didn't feel real to Rodney.

"Hey," Parker whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he turned to face Rodney. The corners of his mouth curled up into a grin as he leaned in, capturing Rodney's lips with his own. Just as they began to lose themselves in the passion of the moment, the shrill sound of an incoming FaceTime call pierced through the air.

"Shit! I forgot I told Derek I would Facetime him tonight and play COD." Rodney muttered, disentangling himself from Parker's embrace. "I have to take this," he said apologetically, rushing out of the room to answer the call.

"Hey, Derek," he answered, trying to keep his voice steady as he lied. "I am so sorry, I'm watching a movie with mom tonight, you know to help us reconnect."

"Really?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow. "But you told me Marcy and your mom were away at her dance competition this weekend."

"Uh, yeah," Rodney stammered, thinking quickly. "The competition got canceled last minute. They came back early."

"Ah, that's too bad," Derek replied, clearly believing Rodney's lie. "Well, hopefully we can hang out later then?"

"Definitely," Rodney agreed, relieved that Derek hadn't caught him in the lie. "Talk to you later, man." in his haste to get back to Parker, he hung up on Derek before Derek could say goodbye. A strange guilt filled his body, it was getting easier to lie to Derek and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

"Rodney! Come back!" Parker called from the living room, his voice carrying a playful tone. Rodney couldn't help but smile as he rejoined Parker on the couch, the guilt melting away as he snuggled up once more to enjoy the rest of their movie night.


On Monday, Rodney sat down for lunch with Derek as usual. "Hey, so there's a new skate park that just got installed in Victoria Park. Wanna check it out later?" Derek asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Uh," Rodney hesitated, mentally cursing himself for making plans with Parker later that day. He realised he was becoming just as flaky as Ally was, now that he had a secret boyfriend. "I can't today, man. I have to catch up on some chores I put off over the weekend."

"Really?" Derek frowned, clearly disappointed. "Man, I am beginning to feel like have a secret best friend I don't know about."

Overhearing their conversation, Madison slid into the seat next to them, her curiosity piqued. "Are you seeing someone in secret, Rodney?" she asked, her eyes narrowing playfully.

"What no Derek was just..." Rodney started.

"Whoever it is must be pretty special if you're lying to your best friend," Derek chimed in, feigning sadness.

"Guys, it's not like that," Rodney protested weakly, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Why was this happening now, he had worked so hard, and faked so many illnesses, if it came out like this what would Parker do? they would break up for sure Rodney thought

"Relax," Derek said, seeing Rodney's horrified expression. "We are just giving you a hard time. But if a mystery person is trying to get friendly with you, remind them the position of best friend has been taken,"

"No argument there," Rodney agreed, knowing full well he'd have to tell Derek eventually. As Madison rattled off guesses as to who Rodney's secret lover could be, all of which Rodney denied, he couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness and dread. He was thrilled to finally feel free with Parker, but he didn't feel fully free, maybe it was because he couldn't share this happiness with the other people he cared about.

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