End Of Rohan's Chapter

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Author note:- Sorry For being late, add I was out.

"That actress was creating trouble; we held her captivated, but we don't know how she got the help out of the blue."

The assailant reported over the call about the reason for failing.

"I knew that, you idiot. I knew a team of guards had appear all of a sudden and beat you black and blue. So don't tell me the story of your bravado, you f**king bastard. I will cut your balls."

Another failed attempt to destroy Tejasswi drove her crazy, and she yelled.

The goon was startled. "I am sorry, ma'am.

"You f**king incompetent, get my work done.

She was getting insane but could do nothing other than yell out her frustration.

"I am sorry, ma'am, but we are into another trouble. The goon spoke beseechingly.

"Spit it out already."

"Two of the members..."

"Of course I knew that already; you fled away, leaving two of your peers behind, and they were held captive. You bloody asshole, why didn't you finish them off?"

She threw many things around her to vent her anger.

"We barely escaped, but I can assure you, they know nothing about you."

She sat down, tired, massaged her head, and said with deep thoughts, "They know you and Karan Kundrra will not slide the matter; he will dig you and me out even from the grave."

"I see, then wire me some money, and I will leave the country." The goon said it hurriedly.

"Don't even try; you will be caught in the act. Just turn underground and have someone find out if your accomplice were to turn to the police; I will take care of it, or if held by Karan Kundrra, find and finish them off.

"Tejasswi, you had a luck, bitch, to escape every time. Now I have to plan something safe."

Tejasswi strode into the skyscraper building of Pristine Moments, followed by an experienced advisor of Royman's legal team.

'Ahh, it's kind of nostalgic. I had been into this office many times before, but today it's looking like a battlefield.' Tejasswi thought and headed to the meeting room instead of the chairman's office.

In the meeting room, all the board members were sitting, and an elderly man was delivering his speech.

"Pristine Moments was found by Mr. Shiv Kapoor, father of current chairman Rohan Kapoor, who had to step down from the position a few years ago due to a medical emergency."

"We board members welcomed Rohan Kapoor, as the chairman, wholeheartedly, but he is incompetent to run the company. His personal affairs stained the company and affected its stock thrice in a row."

"The reason for today's meeting is that, before any further damage, I, as a founder member, and other board members have decided to welcome a new chairman who will take care of the company...."

The elderly board member was interrupted by Rohan, who was sitting on the head chair.

"Excuse me, Mr. Verma, in the last meeting the board had given me the time of a month; so why rush things ahead? My month isn't over yet." Rohan said and snorted.

He glared at his second cousin, Raj Chowdhury, his competitor and suitor for the chairman's position, who was sitting next to Verma and getting on his nerves.

"That was because you promised to get Tejasswi Sharma on board." Another board member said

"He is still into it. The board shouldn't back off from their words." A supporter of Rohan from the board stood up for him.

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