Romantic Yacht Secrets

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With a graceful gesture, Karan invited Tejasswi onto his opulent yacht, and their eyes met in astonishment at what lay before them.

'I entrusted Vicky with prepping the yacht for the evening, and to my surprise, that troublemaker decked it out for a romantic and cozy rendezvous.'

Karan quietly swore at Vicky upon seeing the yacht adorned with opulent arrangements of fresh flowers. Cascades of roses, peonies, and orchids are nestled in crystal vases, their fragrance mingling with the salty sea air. Petals are scattered artfully all over, adding a touch of beauty.

"This is yours?" Tejasswi questioned, awe evident in her eyes as she admired the lavish yacht.

Would you like a tour of the yacht?" Karan asked, his lips forming a warm smile.

Though Tejasswi found it enchanting, Karan was still taken aback by the decoration, meticulously taking in every detail.

The yacht is adorned with elegant ivory curtains that hang delicately, catching the sea breeze. It offered both privacy and a gentle, warm light.

Scented candles fill the air with soothing fragrances like lavender, vanilla, and sea breeze. They're placed all around, casting a cozy, intimate atmosphere with their flickering flames.

The small pool was covered with a layer of red rose petals, creating an amazing, intimate look with a royal touch.

The dining table is a masterpiece of sophistication, with a bottle of champagne and two glasses placed delicately in the ambient light. A single, delicate rose, adding a touch of intimacy.

Plush cushions and throws are arranged in cozy nooks, inviting Karan and Tejasswi to snuggle up and enjoy the intimate setting. Behind it is a unique setting of moments in the form of slides of their special moments, discreetly placed. This enthusiast is Tejasswi.

As the yacht set sail, a soft, melodic tune started playing in the background, amplifying the romantic atmosphere. The gentle caress of waves against the vessel added a soothing rhythm, composing a tranquil symphony of nature.

"Wow, Sunny, this is unbelievably gorgeous and phenomenal. I'm just in awe; words can't do it justice."

Tejasswi's exhilaration got the best of her as she jumped onto Karan, giving him a firm peck on the cheek. He momentarily lost his balance but managed to steady himself, embracing her tightly.

Karan couldn't help but think, 'Vicky, you dodged a bullet. Teju's pleased, and you've got a backup. I'll let this one slide for her happiness.' He graciously accepted the praise for Vicky's hard work.

With a flourish, Karan uncorked the champagne bottle and carefully poured a sip for Tejasswi, celebrating her return to the screen after a three-year absence.

They joyfully clinked their glasses, shouting, "Cheers to your spectacular comeback!"

The ambiance was just right as the yacht sailed into the vast expanse of the sea. Karan and Tejasswi sat close by the pool, their legs submerged in the water, relishing their drinks.

"Teju, there's something I need to tell you," Karan stated, his mind racing with thoughts.

Although he felt anxious about how Teju might react, he was resolved to bring up this subject.

"I'm all ears," Tejasswi assured, taking a sip of her fruit punch. Her head found a comfortable spot on Karan's shoulder, and her eyes locked on the radiant stars in the dark expanse above.

"On New Year's Eve, when your family came to Mumbai, it turns out there was a hidden agenda, one that I happened to discover."

Karan, being his candid self, dove straight into the topic without beating around the bush. However, he halted when he observed Tejasswi's body tense up upon hearing the mention of the Sharma family, even though her poker face didn't waver.

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