Custody Confrontations

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Author Note:- Story good fit late update and please put up with sucker update just for today.

"I'm the poor man whose daughter you've absconded with, masquerading your adoption as a virtuous act. You're the very definition of an opportunist," Rohan hissed, an insidious smirk creeping across his face.

"Your words hold no weight. She's my child, and you're nothing but a loathsome fraud and betrayer. I'll ensure the truth prevails in court."

Tejasswi couldn't contain herself when he claimed Saanjh as his own, but when she tried to object, Rohan's unscrupulous grin remained unshaken.

"So that's the game you're playing, using my baby for your own advantage? Tejasswi, you're a heartless opportunist," Rohan spat out, his wicked grin widening.

Tejasswi's anger reached its zenith, fueled by his insulting remarks. Meanwhile, Karan's mind was a cauldron of boiling emotions, teetering on the edge of explosion. It was then that Saanjh awoke, having just completed her peaceful nap.

As the car journey lulled her into a profound slumber, she awoke to find herself enveloped in the embrace of her favorite person. "Mom, mom, hehe..." she giggled and clapped her hands joyously at the sight of Tejasswi.

Tejasswi clutched Karan's arm, sending him a discreet signal to be mindful of his words in front of Saanjh.

She gave Saanjh's cheek a tender peck. "Yes, sweetie, it's mommy. But for now, go with Aunt Aneri. Mommy will be right there," she said softly before passing Saanjh to Aneri and motioning for her to go inside.

Annoyed, Aneri made her way from the area, with Saanjh's nanny hurrying to keep up.

Tejasswi's gaze bore into Rohan like a laser, her arms crossed in determined defiance. "Rohan, why are you resorting to this unfounded talk? What's your agenda?"

"It just dawned on me that I haven't presented you with a congratulatory wedding gift. Get ready for the most unexpected surprise you'll receive today."

Rohan once again spoke in cryptic phrases, prompting furrows on Tejasswi and Karan's brows. Tejasswi was on the verge of responding, but Rohan carried on with his rambling.

"Tejasswi, you've shattered my entire life. The business I built from the ground up was taken away, and my career was left in ruins. Today, I'll have my vengeance. Your daughter means everything to you, doesn't she? Well, she'll be mine now," he hissed with malice, his laughter echoing like a madman's.

"Rohan Kapoor, be careful what you say. Our daughter is at the center of our universe. If you even think about harming my wife or child, you'll face a reckoning like no other," Karan asserted, his anger radiating as he wrestled with the desire to confront the menace before him.

"Karan, don't let him rile you up. He's not worth the trouble. Let's go," Tejasswi said, giving a reassuring rub on Karan's shoulder.

"Listen to your wife, Mr. Kundrra. It's in your best interest to conserve your energy for the court battle," Rohan taunted once more, trying to provoke Karan.

"Certainly, for..." Karan responded, his demeanor steady as he made his way towards the courtroom, accompanied by Tejasswi and Vicky.

Taking his place in the chair, the judge carefully examined all the case documents before giving the signal to begin the proceedings.

Mr. Chowdhary rose from his seat and addressed the court in his most courteous manner. "Your Honor, I am the attorney representing the plaintiff, Mr. Rohan Kapoor, who alleges that Miss Tejasswi Sharma has abducted his daughter.

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