Kinship Crisis

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"Karan, I never realized you held such orthodox views on gender distinctions."

Tejasswi was brutally honest, which wavered Karan.

"I'm disappointed in myself for getting married to a man like you, who is so conservatively dyed-in-the-wool." Tejasswi said, snorting sulkily.

After venting her anger, she turned on her heels to head out, but Karan got up fast and held her hand.

"Teju, what are you talking about?" He beseeched.

Tejasswi's outburst was okay, but her last phrase jolted him.

Tejasswi shoved his hand away and said, "Why does it matter, Karan? I mean, Which era are you living in to decide whom your sister should date, judging on his social status?"

"Fine, Tejasswi, I got your point."

Karan reluctantly accepted that he was wrong and Tejasswi was right, which was written on his face. Tejasswi drove further sulky.

"Wow, look at you. You were all cool to get married to a random girl, but your sister can't date a good guy just because they both are on a socially different level. What a hypocrite! I just hate it."

Tejasswi made a second attempt to depart, only to be gently pulled back by Karan, who wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace.

"I've said I'm sorry. Can we please move on?" Karan whispered softly in her ear.
Tejasswi somehow melted under his irresistable love but pulled herself together to maintain a stern facade.

"You're sorry, but how long will that last? Will you act the same with me and Shivangi?" Tejasswi's words held a touch of sarcasm. She paused. "Let me save you the effort. I was aware of it in advance. So, are you okay, or do you want to dive into another round of arguments?"

Sensing Karan's apologetic tone, Tejasswi decided it was the moment to reveal her part, wary of his potential for another outburst.

Despite a momentary frown, Karan veiled his face and responded with sweetness. "No, my dear, I grasp my error. Thank you for enlightening me."

Tejasswi twitched her nose. "I don't find your apology sincere."

"Shall I grovel to make you believe?" Karan said it huskily in her ears.

His low, rumbling voice always sends a flutter through her stomach.

"No need to go on knees; just let me know who disclosed Shivangi and Vicky's relationship to you."

"It's Shamita......" Karan said it carelessly and got closer to Tejasswi.

Tejasswi was stunned. 'Was that Shamita?'

"What's wrong, baby?" Karan's voice was a sultry whisper as he gently kissed her earlobe.

"Sunny, I will be back."

"Love, don't be a buzzkill." Karan said tenderly as he pulled her into his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere until you make amends with Shivangi. That's your retribution. Now, release me."

Tejasswi's firm command left Karan in a sour mood, but he complied without a word.

Striding into Shamita's room, Tejasswi's expression radiated indignation as she found Shamita leisurely resting on the bed.

"Tejasswi, what's wrong with your manners? Can't you knock before barging in?" Shamita said while getting up.

A little while earlier, she had been absent from the living hall, completely unaware of the uproar caused by her loquaciousness. The flames she had kindled had once again scorched Tejasswi's newfound relationships. She was seething.

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