Unspoken Updates

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Tejasswi was released from the hospital and received a warm welcome from her family at home.

The entire Kundrra clan assembled at the dining table in compliance with Sanjay's instructions.

"How are you doing? Have you made a full recovery?" Sanjay asked Tejasswi.

"Yes, grandpa I am absolutely fine."

"Shamita, how's your leg? Are you able to walk now?"

"Yes, it healed. I don't limp anymore." Shamita answered

"Fantastic! With both Tejasswi and Shamita in good health, I'm thrilled to declare that I'll be throwing the eagerly anticipated party for Karan and Tejasswi the day after tomorrow."Sanjay shared with enthusiasm.

"Nobody's personal problem will be enough to put off the party." Anjana said this while glaring at Sudha and Shamita.

"Hey Rajesh, fancy a shopping spree? A bunch of designers have recently launched their new lines. I'm in pursuit of the crème de la crème!" Sudha expressed excitement, giving her nose a playful twitch.

They all laughed at her craziness for shopping.

"Sure, honey," Rajesh said.

"Feel free to reach out to your close friends and colleagues for the invitation. Invite whoever you'd like," Sanjay stated, rising from his seat to leave.

Everyone eagerly stood up, ready to either hit the stores or make calls to their guests.

"Shamita, are you coming along with us for shopping?" Sudha asked.

Shamita declined, saying, "Mom, I'll pass. You go ahead," with a sulky expression, and stood up.

Tejasswi took note of the gloomy demeanor and felt a slight irritation. "Did she really have to bring down the mood on such a joyful occasion? Well, I won't let it bother me." Her happiness outweighed any negative energy.

After a long wait, Tejasswi finally found herself with a complete and harmonious family, enveloped in the love and care of her partner. She had removed negative elements from her life and yearned for nothing more in life.

She was in a state of pure bliss, completely unaware that her enemy and assailant were still in close proximity, sharing the same roof.

"Yes, Raju, I'm still here and will continue until I achieve my goal," Kitty said firmly over the phone.

"What are you up to now?" Raju asked. He was worried by her craziness and thoughtless actions.

"Slow poison....."


"The serum's designed to harm her organs slowly, with no traces left in her stomach. I've been administering it since she was in the hospital," Kitty revealed, her laughter tinged with madness.

"Why take such a risk? If Karan Kundrra gets wind of this, you'll be in real trouble."

Holding his head in his hands, Raju sighed. Kitty's ambition is boundless, and she's perpetually discontent with her current status. This unquenchable desire for more has led her to commit a series of crimes.

"Shut up; he will never find out. However, I don't care; even if he does, he won't go against me. I am......"

Raju had enough of Kitty's arrogance, prompting him to abruptly cut her off.

"Even though you're a Kundrra, you had the nerve to target Karan Kundrra's wife. The day he learns of this, he'll take drastic measures."

"Shut the f**k up, you asshole nuisance! You always find a way to jinx my plans!" Kitty shouted, her mood ruined by Raju.

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