Chapter 1

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There were several things Rainbow Dash, the captain of like every single sports team in Canterlot High School, hated. She passionately hated pies, people touching her feet, and anything that required her to remain seated still for a long time. But out of all the things she could name, if someone asked her what she hated the most, her answer would be just three words; "Zephyr Breeze's flirting."

Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy's little brother, had always shown an interest towards her since she was in kindergarten. She had always thought either he'd quit or she would get used to it. Unluckily for her, neither happened. Zephyr was very deluded and he firmly believed that she liked him back although she had ignored, explained and even threatened him to stop.

Being one of the popular athletes in school, she did have a few admirers, but none of them were as unbearable as Zephyr. Him being her best friend's little brother didn't help. She couldn't exactly punch, kick or even stab him; violence was out of the question when it came to him. And it was a real problem now, because for the past month, his annoying flirting had somehow gotten even more annoying and also more frequent. He himself had become bolder with his moves, even attempting to kiss her.

Rainbow Dash's pride wouldn't admit it to anyone, but after almost being forced into a kiss by Zephyr, her stomach twisted every time she was near him. She was scared of him. Scared of being alone while with him. A chill ran down her spine as she saw Zephyr was leaning against her locker.

It could be a coincidence, right? She thought putting off any emotions of worry away. Could've he known she had accidentally left her textbook behind? No, she reasoned, that's impossible.

She crept to her locker, keeping her breathing stable. After that night where he had tried to kiss, it hadn't been the same. She didn't tell this to anyone let alone Fluttershy of how much this affected her. The latter didn't even knew about the kissing attempt as Rainbow didn't want it to affect the friendship she had with the shy caretaker. So, Rainbow took it on herself to act as normal as she could around him.

"Rainbows~" he cooed as she approached the locker. "How's my favourite awesome girl doing today?"

"Great, Zeph," her answer was dripping in sarcasm, but he was either bad at detecting or chose to ignore it. "Can you move away from my locker now?" She shot him a glare.

"Only if you kiss me," he winked puckering his lips and leaning in.

Rainbow's breathing went sharp and her hands began to shake. "Zephyr, please," she said failing hard to keep her voice from cracking. "I just want to get to my class."

Zephyr waved her off, "Oh come on, Rainbows. You know you want it." He leaned in closer as he pinned her to the locker. Rainbow winced. She felt herself unable to move. It felt like the ground had consumed her feet, clutching her so hard.

Her eyes widened in horror as Zephyr's lips were just inches away from hers.

To her great wonder and utter relief, before anything could happen, Zephyr was suddenly yanked back by someone.

Rainbow looked up at the figure who had just saved her from the assault. A look of surprise came over her features when she saw it was none other than the boys' team soccer captain, Soarin Skies.

Soarin scowled as he eyed Zephyr dangerously. "The lady said no, didn't she?" his hand was still clenched on Zephyr's collar.

Zephyr had the decency to look scared. Even though the blonde haired boy was technically taller than Soarin, he knew better than to get on Soarin's bad side. "She knows I'm only kidding!"

"You better be," Soarin said letting him go. "Now, don't you have a class to get to?" It wasn't a question but an order. Zephyr got the memo really quick as he rushed out, leaving Rainbow to finally take her books out from her locker.

"Thanks, Clipper," she said closing the locker. Soarin smiled.

"Anytime, Cap'." He gave her a small pat on her shoulder. "You should head to class too. Don't wanna get yourself another detention, do ya?" he pointed out.

"Oh, yeah," she smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. For a second there she had almost forgotten that she was already getting late. She thanked Soarin one more time, before jogging to her classroom.

She got to class and was immediately brought into a hug by Pinkie Pie the second she had spotted her.

"Dashie!" she beamed, hugging her tight. "Wow. You actually made it in time!" she exclaimed once she had let go of the athlete.

"I did?" Rainbow asked. It had became a challenge to even get to her class on time with Zephyr Breeze following her. She owed Soarin a big time.

Rarity nodded as she took her seat. "Yes, indeed." She smiled, before lowering her voice, "Did he finally give up?"

"I don't think give up is right word," said Rainbow. She then proceeded to explain about how Soarin had came to her aid. The athlete noticed that her blabber-mouth friend was awfully quiet while she told her and Rarity what had happened to her- which was unlike her.

"Oh my," Rarity clasped her hand on her mouth as she finished narrating her tale. "Soarin Skies is quite the gentleman, I see."

"Yeah, he was nice enough," Rainbow admitted, playing with her hair. "It was also satisfying to see Zephyr run away."

"I bet it was," Rarity giggled.

"Yeah!" Rainbow said remembering the fear in Zephyr's face as Soarin threatened him. "I don't think I've ever seen him that scared. Oh Rares, you just had to be there," a laugh escaped from her lips.

"Well, now you know the solution for a permanent pass away from Zephyr," the fashionista said.


"A boyfriend," Rarity corrected.

"A boyfriend?" Rainbow repeated.

"Oh, darling, don't you see, Zephyr is the dreadful kind of lads who rather respect another man's words than a lady's," Rarity explained seeing the quizzical look on Rainbow's face. "If you just get a boyfriend, it'll show him you're unavailable and it'll make him finally move on from you."

Rainbow had to admit, the permanent pass from Zephyr part was tempting. But the boyfriend part? Not enough. Dating never sat right with her. And she was too busy to even think of having a crush let alone a boyfriend because of her dedication to athletics, Daring Do, The Rainbooms and them beating she-demons. There was simply not much time.

"I don't know, Rare," said Rainbow. "It sounds good, but shouldn't I be interested in someone for dating? I just can't force myself to like anybody."

"Here I was hoping you'd have someone in mind," Rarity sighed.

"It's not my fault I'm too busy being awesome," Rainbow shrugged.

Just as Rarity was about comment on her statement, Miss Cheerlie arrived. But Rainbow guessed this conversation wasn't over yet.

The class went on with Cheerlie explaining about Trigonometry. But Rainbow barely focused. She knew Rarity well, so she knew if she couldn't find someone, Rarity would find someone for her out of the "generosity of her heart"- according to Rarity.

And that is why, when the bell rang, Rainbow didn't bother to wait for Rarity and Pinkie like she usually did. All she wanted now was to get out of there and hope Rarity would either forget or give up. But something in her told her Rarity wasn't going to do either of that.

Her thoughts were interrupted, when she heard a call from behind.

"Crash, wait up!"

Rainbow tried not to flinch when she saw the owner of the voice was none other than Soarin- the reason why she and Rarity had the talk about boyfriends in the first place. She greeted the boy with a small smile nonetheless and waited for him to catch his breath.

"I've been calling your name for about three times. But it looked like you were in a rush," he wheezed.

"Heh, had something on my mind," she answered embarrassed. Her thoughts were muddled, it was no wonder she didn't hear him. "Anyways what's up?" she smiled slightly.

Soarin took a deep breath.

"I want you to be my girlfriend," he said.

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