Chapter 6

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Rainbow was definitely surprised.

Soarin stood there in front of her classroom. He was not kidding when he said he'd be there when her class ends.

Rainbow was impressed; the boy wasn't even a second late.

"Told ya," he gave her a boastful smile. She didn't like it because usually it was her role to make people impressed.

"Whatever. You were just lucky," Rainbow said. She didn't want to be the one to feed his ego.

She could get only two steps ahead because Soarin put his hand on her shoulder. "Allow moi," he said taking the books she was holding.

"Soarin, this isn't really necessary-" she started awkwardly.

"Nah, I feel it's fair," he smiled walking infront of her.

Rainbow stood there blankly for a second before her lips curved up into a soft smile. Who knew? Rarity was right. Soarin Skies was really a gentleman.

Something told her it wasn't just luck that allowed him to reach her class in time after it had ended- not that she'd admit that to him.

That point was proven right, because for every class that followed after, he would be there, leaning against the wall with a dopey smile on his face.

It would be a lie to say no one noticed it. Because, Rainbow saw some students looking at them, probably debating to themselves if this was just a hoax or was something really going on between the two athletes.

Rainbow nor Soarin paid attention to that. They were not going to be the ones to comment on it. Their peers were left to assume what was going on until they'd confirm it themselves— or at least that's what Soarin said. Rainbow didn't know how they were going to do that. But one thing she knew was there wasn't going to be any kissing.

Speaking of kissing... Rainbow's mind drifted to the ridiculous suggestions that Pinkie gave them. She looked at Soarin for only a second, before nervously looking away. Her heart was racing just with the thought of that.

Why was she torturing herself like this? Why can't she just not think about her and Soarin like that!? She groaned internally. Curse you, Pinkie.

"Is everything cool, Crash?" Soarin asked taking notice of her sudden discomfort.

Rainbow shook her head. "Everything is peachy," she said sheepishly.

"Are you sure?" he asked, not really buying it.

"Yup, I'm sure," Rainbow scratched the back of her head. "It's just I have got some stuff on my mind," she added hoping it'll stop Soarin's questioning. But she forgot luck was rarely on her side.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Soarin innocently asked, not knowing what kind of conversation they'll be having if she really did spill the beans.

"Look at you, all caring and sweet. How dedicated," she commented. The best way to change a topic, in her opinion, was to flatter their ego.

Soarin fell for it, but not in the way she predicted. "How can I not be dedicated? I'm 'dating' the most dedicated athlete," he said playfully.

Okay, now he's trying to flatter her? Usually what happens was it'd get them to talk about themselves and eventually change the topic. This was new. Even her day till now; it had been months since she had been able to peacefully walk to class or the cafeteria without Zephyr pestering her. Rainbow liked the feeling of calmness and humour that Soarin brought in. It felt... nice.

"Earth to Crash?" Soarin waved his hand before her face.

Rainbow blinked. "Oh, shit. I think I zoned out."

"You really sure you're okay?" Soarin asked again.

"I'm fine, Clipper," Rainbow insisted. "I just have some stuff on my mind."

"Like what?"

She paused. "Uh... I was just thinking about... Really thinking about when we should reveal to everyone we're 'dating'... Yeah, that's what I was thinking about," she stammered out.

Soarin closed his eyes. "Hmm... How about now?"

Rainbow chocked on air. "WHAT!?" She was definitely regretting. Why can't she have told him she was thinking about Daring Do or homework like a normal human being!?

"Think about it. We have lunch now; everyone would be there in the cafeteria," Soarin said. "This is the best time to let everyone we're dating without actually telling."

Rainbow was unsure.

"We're not going to do any kind of stunt," Soarin reassured her. "We're just going to walk hand in hand and eat lunch together. That's it."

It wasn't much of a comfort for her. She felt nervous when she thought of the hundreds of eyes on her- which was unlike her. She loved attention. She had no problem being the star of the show. But... This was different. The reputation she had built for years of her being 'the awesome too cool to date' one was going to crumble down.

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash if you're not ready-"

"No," she said. Rainbow inhaled deeply. She can do this. Her image didn't go overnight when she was singing a cheesy song to help Twilight win the crown, so why should it go now? And if it did go, she shouldn't worry too much about it as long as she can be awesome by kicking butts on the field. "Let's get it over with."

Soarin gave her a nod. "Okay then."

Her heart was racing when Soarin opened the door. And it did a flip when he laced his hand with hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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