Chapter 2

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"I want you to be my girlfriend," Soarin said.

Okay, there was a chance he was probably going to regret this. Rainbow Dash's shocked face didn't hide that. Even without that he knew he had came out too strong, especially to someone he had never shown any interested for. But what even lead to this you might ask?

Well, it started with a small comment from Spitfire at practice.

"How is it that, out of all of us, you've never had a girlfriend?"

As harmless and innocent this might've sounded, it really bruised his ego. Especially since no one was willing to believe him when he said that he could easily get a girlfriend if he wanted to. And the reason why he hadn't used his charm on any girls yet was simply because none of them interested him.

Who knew what he said will have consequences? Certainly not him. As he never thought that Spitfire and his friends would turn this into a challenge.

The challenge was simple enough; all he had to do was get himself a girlfriend.

"Consider it done," he had announced confidentially to Spitfire, whom in return gave him a smile. A mocking one.

Yet another predicament came. Who will it be? Having absolute no interest in the girls of CHS rose as a problem for him. So naturally one would think to ask any of female companions, but he had a feeling they'd reject him. Plus, he was pretty sure he'd end in the "brother" zone if he did ask them out.

His next choice was to date any of the popular girls, just so he could he rub it in Spitfire's face that when he said any girl, he really did mean any girl.

But, who?

After a careful analysis (aka subtly asking Surprise who she thought who was the most popular girls were), he narrowed the school's popular girls to one band. The Rainbooms.

Still, who?

Rarity and Pinkie Pie, although who were the most popular, were immediately out of the question; He didn't quite fit the requirements Rarity always looked for, and Pinkie Pie was too wild for him.

Then there was Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. But Twilight already had a boyfriend. And Sunset- even though she was reformed and friendlier- still gave him nightmares.

Applejack seemed to be a more sensible option as he thought it'd be more believable. Everyone knew Applejack bakes the best apple pies there is, and everyone knew he loved to eat the best apple pies there is. But like always there was catch, and that was he was too much of a wimp to get the little sister of Big Mac to date him.

Which made him consider Fluttershy. Fluttershy was a timid girl and Soarin was sure that he'd be able to convince her to date him. But he knew she was too sensitive and he didn't want to hurt her in any form.

And finally, his mind drifted to Rainbow Dash. She would've been reasonable too, perfect even. Rainbow Dash was sporty, loyal, dedicated, awesome, occassionally sweet and he would be a liar if he said she was not pretty. She would've been perfect. But everyone who knew Rainbow Dash knew that the tomboy didn't date. So, even though he knew dating her would give him bonus points, he valued his life more.

Now finding himself in a tight spot he thought to give up on his hunt for popular girls to date. He even considered to please Trixie Lulamoon into dating him but that was until Flash Sentry, one of his closest friends told him something interesting about Rainbow Dash today.

After Rainbow Dash left thanking him, Flash had approached him. "I kinda feel bad for Dash," Flash told him as he sympathetically watched the retreating figure.

"Why?" Soarin had asked.

"That Zephyr Breeze has been really bothering her. Twilight told me it's gotten worse. Dash looks so exhausted because of this."

And Soarin knew Flash wasn't exaggerating, he got to witness Zephyr annoying Rainbow Dash first hand.

Now, having the newfound knowledge that this pestering is not just a one time thing, he concluded this as the reason for Rainbow Dash being quite late nowadays to class. Sometimes, she wouldn't even show up at all.

"And worse thing is she doesn't want Fluttershy to know about this because she thinks it'd ruin their friendship," Flash continued.

"That's sad."

"Very," Flash sighed. "But it was nice of you to help her though. I saw it and it's the first time I'm seeing her smile in a long time."

Although he felt a hint of pride in himself for being to help Rainbow Dash and he sympathised for her well being, his mind still wandered to the challenge. He had to get some girl to date him before Spitfire might get the impression he was only lying about his charm. The more he tried to focus, the more vividly the image of Rainbow Dash and her current situation came to him. He tried to ignore the thoughts of the female athlete, seeing she no use to him in scheme. He already had considered her as a candidate and had ruled her off. There wasn't a chance she wants to date him.


A small thought occurred.

What if...

The small thought stirred up into an ingenious idea.

She has to?

It was wrong to use her vulnerability, but it was his best shot.

And thus, just as he saw Rainbow Dash jogging away from her class, he ran behind her and asked her the question.

"Excuse me?" Rainbow Dash voiced shocked.

"I want you to be my girlfriend," he repeated.

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