Chapter 4

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Rainbow Dash should've known.

The second she saw Soarin's red sports car parked right in front of her house, she should've known that something was not going to go right.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him when he rolled down his window seeing her.

He had one hand on the steering wheel and ran the other through his wild hair. It looked like a desperate attempt of him trying to show off, especially with the smirk he sent her. She wasn't amused. At all.

"Well?" She crossed her arms, patiently- although barely- waiting for an answer.

"Well, I came to pick you up," he said as if it was obvious.

"No shit," Rainbow muttered sarcastically. "But why?"

"Well, I thought, since we're going to be dating, we should do couple-y stuff," Soarin said.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "You're saying that going to school together is... couple-y? You used to give lifts to Vapour Trail all the time."

Soarin's ears turned red; he looked embarassed. He let out a small awkward cough. "Yeah... That I did... But," he shook off from his demeanor. "We need to hangout together so people can at least consider us being a couple is not impossible."

Rainbow held back her retort. "Why would they even question whether or not we're dating? I thought your plan was fool proof."

"My plan is fool proof," Soarin said. "But you're not."

Rainbow immediately took offence to that. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"

Soarin gulped a bit intimidated. After all, Rainbow Dash was still the scariest girl in school fake girlfriend or not.

"I mean..." Soarin started, this time properly thinking of his word choices. "You don't date. So, people might just think it's weird you're dating me all of a sudden."

Rainbow nodded. Well, it was true. She had never even shown interest in any of the guys in her school or anywhere. Especially Soarin. This was going to be hard, she thought.

"You're right," she sighed, seeing reason behind his words.

"So, are you gonna get in?" he said.

"Fine." Although she was now willing to oblige, it didn't mean she was happy with it. She liked to ride on her motorbike better.

She got in the car with a small huff. Soarin took note of it as they slowly began to drive off.

"Would you mind if I play some music?" he asked after a few minutes of awkward silence. Rainbow glanced at him who looked as uncomfortable as her.

With a small smile, she nodded. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Good," he said cheerfully. "I hope you like classical."

The smile on her face faltered as quickly as it was formed.

Rainbow Dash should've known.

After what seemed like hours of torture (it was barely a ten minute ride), they both reached school. Soarin insisted they should walk together to class, and Rainbow wasn't going to complain. She knew walking with him would be better since Zephyr was least likely to bother her around him.

When they got to the statue. Rainbow noticed a strange sight; she saw her band mates- except Fluttershy- were waiting for them. How did she guessed they were waiting specifically for them? Well, Rarity wasn't very subtle about it.

"And here is the happy couple! Oh, darlings, you two look absolutely like a match made in heaven!" Rarity exclaimed, clasping Rainbow's hands in hers. "Pinkie told us everything!"

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