Chapter 1 // To Boldly Go

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Taking one last deep breath I step onto the transporter pad.

"Y'hhau, rinam!!!" Niro, my childhood friend, shouts, waving dramatically from where she's standing behind the gate.

The man behind the controls pushes her back with a skeptical and distrusting look, but she still excitedly thrashes her arms around with a beaming smile. Niro and I had met when her family had moved to Earth in the living space next to mine, and we've been inseparable since then. I can still remember running around with her at school playing Star Ship. Niro would always be the Captain (despite other kids saying that no girl, and especially a Romulan, could ever be a federation Captain) and I would be her second in command.

I can't believe how far we've come.

"Hveolhaonn htaodt'ia'rhoinnie hwiiy!" I attempt to wave back– propping one knee up and resting the box holding the last of my things there.

It was bittersweet, leaving Niro like this. She had earned a position on a Star Ship as a Navigator, and I was across the galaxy with joy, but I still wish we were stationed together.

"We're beaming her up now, Captain"

This is it. This is happening.

"Cora!!!" Niro yells, as I fade away "Don't forget to message!!!"


"Welcome aboard the USS Enterprise, Miss." A man with a thick Scottish accent says. He wears a red shirt and a huge smile that reaches his ears.

I don't think I've ever seen someone look so happy to meet me.

He steps out from behind the controls and makes a gentle gesture to reach for the box I'm holding.

"Oh, Thank you! I'm Cora Fleming, the new science officer."

"Lieutenant Commander Scott; chief engineer. I'll be happy to show you around the place– Once you get settled in you have to see the engine room, it's state of the art-" the man, Scott, rambles passionately about the ship as he leads me to my quarters. It's endearing, in a way, the way he talks about the ship. He loses me when he starts talking about the intricacies of what makes us able to hold as high warp speeds as we do.

Getting out of the turbo-lift, I follow Mr. Scott down the hall.

"Alrighty, these are your quarters. Once you get everything in order, report to bridge, Captain'll want to meet you."

I thank him and wave goodbye as if what he said didn't instantly make me panic. It's a lot to take in. One moment I'm an unassigned ensign bouncing from ship-to-ship and the next I'm a science officer going to meet the Captain of a Star Ship. And not just any Captain: Captain Kirk. Sure, his methods are questioned by a lot of people at the academy, but he's still widely considered one of the best.

Checking the closet, I see that they've already folded and hung up the clothes I'd sent. I unpack the rest of my things and hit one of the buttons next to me. A section of the wall flips around, revealing a full-body mirror, along with several extra drawers.

Okay. You can do this. You've trained practically your whole life for this.

I give myself a once over in the mirror, running my hands down the uniform. I know it's probably just First-Day-Jitters anyway. I'll be less... tense... once I meet everyone and get into the swing of things.

A few minutes later I find myself stepping out of the turbo lift and onto the bridge. The Captain doesn't turn around yet. I take in the sights and sounds of the bridge for a moment. Everyone is working at their stations, but it doesn't seem like there's anything too urgent happening right now.

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