Chapter 2 // I Will Do Neither

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I don't know how long it's been since we got stuck here; whether it was an hour or three at this point was beyond me. The Vulcan beside me hasn't said a word, occasionally tilting his head in my direction when I make anything that could be considered a sudden move. With nothing better to do, I walk a few steps towards him and plop down beside him, earning me a curious look and the raising of an eyebrow.

"Does this distract you? Cus I can go back to staring at the wall if you'd like,"

He turns his attention back to the wires spilling out of the panel in the wall.

"Vulcans are quite capable of multitasking."

Oh, so he IS a Vulcan.

Silence fills the space between us, minutes going by before he speaks again.

"I have found that most humanoids find discomfort in prolonged periods of silence. I will not protest if you wish to fill that gap."

My brain takes a few moments to fully process what he's said, and he eyes me yet again, almost expectantly.

Oh. I should probably... start talking I guess.

"Well, umm–" My mind searches for something to say. "How's work on the Enterprise like?"

"I believe you have already asked that question. I am here and I do diligent and impactful scientific and exploratory work. There is no greater ship in the entire fleet." Despite the former remark, I could feel the sincerity in his words.

I inhale deeply. Okay, so maybe he's not that much of an asshole.

"That's what I've heard." I laugh a little, easing the awkward feeling that was eating away at me. He was right about me; the unease that comes with silence.

"This ship is the talk of the academy, ya know? I'm lucky to have found a Lieutenant position even open. The work that happens here; the breakthroughs in scientific study in the past year alone are–"

The ship jerks to the left suddenly, throwing me off my balance. My hands reach out, scrambling to find something to hold onto–


" –-enant. Lieu— Lieutena– Are– conscious?"

Exhaling sharply, I try to regain control of my senses as a sharp ringing in my ears dies down.

"Lieute— Lieutenant? Are you able to hear my voice?"

I squeeze my eyes shut tighter, one hand rubbing circles into my temple. "oh stars-" I groan, moving to sit up against the wall. I open my eyes, stopping mid motion. The Vulcan hovers over me, his deep dark eyes downward cast, almost like he's taking a mental scan of my body. My eyes gaze into his. His hands that, if what I know about Vulcans are correct, could easily snap me like a twig, lay steadily fastened to my forearms.

My hand that was once at my temple moves to run through my hair, pushing it back in a rhythmic motion. "I'm okay, just a little bruised." I lightly laugh. "I've heard a concussion every now and then is good for you anyhow."

The hands backs away, my arms feeling cold in the absence. He raises an eyebrow, in a way that could almost be seen as sarcastic.

"I'm kidding, obviously." I say, and wrap my hands around either of my arms. The Vulcan gives me a blank stare; like he's thinking long and hard about if I was really joking. Obviously he didn't find it that funny, and his eyebrows raise in what I can only describe as something akin to a terrain eye-roll.

I scoff. "I'm fine, thanks for asking— Go back to getting us outta here."

Just as the officer moves to get up, the intercom buzzes to life again:

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