Chapter 3 // End of the Day

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"Easy there, lass," Scotty grunts, my hands tightening on his forearms as he helps me down. Although its still stuck in place, they had managed to pry the doors open enough to squeeze us out.


With my feet now solid on the ground I extend an arm towards my Vulcan companion. He doesn't spare a glance— maneuvering himself through the tight space without aid. My hand balls up into an awkward fist as it drops to my side, and I take a few steps away. Only now do his dark eyes meet mine, briefly, as he moves himself out of the way of the team of engineers.

"What... wait, what happened? I thought..."

"That we 'ere gonna be blown to bits? Aye! 'thought so myself until just a moment ago." Scotty says, hunching over a panel outside the lift. He extends a hand out towards his team.

"Coil spanner."

An ensign quickly hands him the device, and goes back to reading the scans on his PADD.

"Tsk. And they call me  the miracle worker!" Scotty laughs.

Spock maneuvers his way to stand beside me. "I fail to understand the humor many humans express after a near-death experience." He says, seemingly to himself. Standing behind him, I notice the way he holds his right hand in his left. You can tell a lot from looking at a person's hands— he holds them lax now, his grip loose and held at the small of his back.

Seeing them now I can still remember how they felt on my skin: cool, gentle and soft with the underlying feeling of strength and security.

On my wrist.

my arm.

He adjusts his grip.

my neck...

"Miss Fleming?" I jump slightly at the sound of his voice. "Are you well?"

His face remains as stoic as ever, but there's another feeling present, although small. I could be imagining it, but its almost as if he's pleased with himself.

Is he— oh stars, please tell me he didn't catch me staring.

I don't think it's physically possible for even more blood to rush to my face at this point. Staring at a Vulcan's hands is like... well...

You just shouldn't.

"I am quite well, thank you" I answer, averting my eyes from his.

His eyebrows twitch downward. "It seemed for a moment that your blood pressure issue from earlier had resurfaced. I was mistaken."

A tight lipped smile is all I give in response before we're interrupted by the sound of footsteps running down the hall.

"Captain," I whip my head upright, straightening my posture and clasping my hands together in front of me.

He gives me a once over.

"At ease, Lieutenant, it's been a rough enough day for all of us,"

Some of the tension leaves my shoulders, and I rest my hands at my sides now, unconsciously playing with the ends of my uniform.

"How did  you manage to combat the alien ship's electronic control devices, Captain?" The Vulcan asks the Captain, stepping closer and crossing his arms once again. His eyebrows raise, his head tilted slightly down.

A grin spread across Kirk's face and all the way to his eyes. "Why— didn't think I could charm them out of our total annihilation, Mr. Spock?"

My eyes widen, and I find myself looking back and forth between the Captain and... and...

Oh no.

Oh no no no, THAT'S Mr. Spock? 

THE Lieutenant Commander Spock???

Im so fucked.

I swallow hard and try to regain what's left of my composure. The Vulcan— Mr. Spock— continues to speak, but I barely register his words. This absolutely can't be real. There's not a chance in the galaxy that I'm not going to be reprimanded for my behavior back there, that's for certain. At the very least he's going to discipline me and... What if I get let off? Surely no one who is "Fleet Material" acts the way that I did in that lift, and how would I be able to face my family I—

"Lieutenant Fleming," Kirk lends me a sympathetic smile, "you are dismissed. After the day you two have had cooped up in there, I strongly recommend a good meal and a nice sonic shower. I know that's my plan once the Alpha shift ends."



"Thank you Captain." I give an awkward smile before retreating down the hallway. Anything to get away from Mr. Spock; I don't know if I could handle the embarrassment for another second.

"Miss! Mess is on the next floor; aye got the lift back up n runnin, so yer good ta go."

I jump at sound, embarrassed yet again. "Oh! My bad. Thanks Scotty. I haven't been here long at all so I just didn't know..." I ramble, and make my way back to onto the lift. 

I turn around to face the entrance to watch in horror as Spock gets back in the lift with me. My shoulders tense as I suck in a sharp breath. Could this day get any worse?

Almost as if he senses my horror, he speaks. "I still need to get to the Science labs."

"Oh— Yeah, of course." I shuffle, backing myself into the wall. I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes. I bring my hands to the back of my neck, rubbing myself anxiously. After my actions in the lift earlier I should be discharged, or at the very least heavily penalized. No officer should act the way I did today. Despite myself, I feel the blood rush to my face in embarrassment.

"I'm, uh, I would like to express my apologies for my actions earlier. They were..." I take a breath. "well, they were extremely unbecoming, and frankly unprofessional."

Finally I look up, and my eyes meet his. He doesn't say anything, opting instead to gaze almost curiously at me. After a few moments the eye contact is too much, and I find myself staring at the wall behind him.

"It was a most human display," He comments, and silence fills the lift for another few seconds.

The lift opens up to the science floor, Mr. Spock stepping out, hands clasped. Just before the doors swish shut, he turns back to face me.

"I will see you in the labs tomorrow, Lieutenant."

(Author's Note : heyyyyyyy ✨✨✨

it's been a while... and this chapter is shorter than the others (i think(?))

I'VE BEEN TRYING, OKAY! Life stuff is very time consuming but I finally got this next bit out! Yippee!!! 🎉🎉🎉  I've got some idea of where I want to go with this story, but I am literally open to any and all suggestions, so don't be afraid to comment anything.

Well, until next time,

--Live Last and Get Fucked 🖖)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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