13 - its been 2 months, here is an unfinished draft of a story [CH]

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Bro this was supposed to be a murder mystery book but I gave up💀
Anyways I'm gonna disappear again bro, and to my online friends reading this, this draft is like 4 months old, please don't judge me😭🙏

France sighed as the first of the guests showed up. Of course, the Asians always showed up on time. She didn't expect anyone to show up on time so she had planned to start the tour around the mansion thirty minutes after she had told everyone the time. Then again, the place was really remote and far away from the closest town... Well, if it could be called a town at all. It was just a cluster of a few houses with a few supermarkets at the end of the street and a school.

"Bonjour." France greeted the two Asian nations in a tired tone. She had already spent most of the day preparing a room for all the thirteen people she invited, and one for herself, "You two arrived early..."

"Namaste!" India greeted warmly. It's not like France and India were friends, but they acted warm around each other... mostly.

"NiHao." As always, China showed almost no emotion at all, though you could hardly blame her. Half the world hated her anyways. Plus, it wasn't as though she wanted to be there, "Listen, I'm just trying to get this over with... Russia practically forced me along."

France subconsciously rolled her eyes and China seemed to return that gesture with a glare. It was obvious China was trying to be intimidating, but France could have honestly cared less.

"Oui, I could tell," France replied sarcastically, brushing her brunette hair out of the way of her face, "I'll just show you two to the main room, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the others to arrive."

"Ah! That's fine then!" India said, shooting China a shut-up-before-I-make-you look. China shot one right back, leading France to cough loudly to get their attention.

"Just follow me." India and China picked up their bags as France led them to a large room with extravagant furniture. From the ceiling hung a chandelier, which looked even more fancy than the room. It had many arches and at the end of said arches hung tiny glass diamonds. France did add a lot of bean bags to the room, though, as the couches provided were more uncomfortable than anything she had ever sat on.

India and China made themselves comfortable while France hurried back to the entrance to greet the others as they began arriving. First South Africa, then Kazakhstan, and after that Russia. America was the last to arrive. It wasn't the least bit surprising. America had... quite a reputation too. He was pretty egotistical and liked to mess with people for the pure joy of it. Many people described him as a sadist.

As France led America through the long corridor decorated with paintings and littered with floral designs, there was a very abrupt stop when she heard Russia yelling. Germany returned the gesture.

"Heh, classic rivalry, huh?" America chuckled, almost mockingly. "You Frenchies should know everything about both of them," He said, quite clearly trying to mess with France.
France bristled as she was reminded of everything that happened in the past. America knew that this was a sensitive topic, yet he could have cared less
France wanted to punch him really badly, though she knew it was a bad idea. She thought about it before replying.

"Same goes with the Brits, huh? Poor DC, dealing with fire is hard," (a/n outside of draft: BRO THIS WAS A SHITTY INSULT WTF 💀💀 WHY ARE BOTH OF THEM SO BITCHY OMG) France replied, feeling satisfied as America's smile faded and he went silent. Neither of them spoke for the rest of the journey to the room where everyone else was.

Reaching the room, France clapped twice. Germany and Russia immediately shut up and China grumbled "Finally...". Everyone was eager to start and finish the tour of the mansion. The sun had already set behind the mountains and everyone was tired from the twelve-hour drive.

France led the group through the winding corridor, each wall lined with intricate designs of flowers and some paintings that seemed to be from a long time ago. There were a few houseplants sprinkled around here and there.

France showed them around the mansion before leading them to their respective rooms. Everyone was tired, they all knew that, but they just didn't know that what would happen the next day would be... way more tiring.



"Oh my god... Ugh, I still feel so tired..." Luxembourg sat straight up and stared at her (direct) siblings, who were up a lot earlier before her and had somehow remembered where her room was. She heard the Netherlands mutter "Rich people..." before leaving.

"Oh! Up already?" Belgium smiled at Luxembourg. "You had thirty minutes before I was going to wake you up, breakfast was postponed to 10 AM because everyone was complaining about how tired they were. It's quite a change, honestly. I never saw France as the nice type of person."

Weird. France was being nice. What a change from her egoistic and narcissistic self, but Luxembourg wasn't going to complain, it was better than having France commenting on everything they do.

Luxembourg slipped out of bed and headed into the bathroom. She quickly did her morning routine, which included washing her face, taking a shower, brushing her teeth, and then actually brushing her hair, compared to Belgium, who just puts up in a bun.

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