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Rosie say hi to Hank

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Rosie say hi to Hank

Kookie hi hank 👋

Rubyjane hi to my hubby and hank 👋🥺💞

Lalalisa i cannot spot the difference, oh wait hank is cuter💫

Rosie get lost😒, but hank sure is the cutest 😍

Tallguy.jm looking cute 💙
@ Rosie liked your comment

Sooya 👀👀

Ning.ning how cute you two are 🥺🤍

Your_hope it looks like you died your hair to match hank

Rosie oh, how do you know??

King.taehyung hi hank 👋

Dom.45 how can someone be this cute 💗

Joons.rm hi hank 👋

Lejindary.jin wanna hear a joke

Sugaaa oh please NO !

Lejindary.jin what do you call a dog magician ?

Rosie what ?

Lejindary.jin a labracadabrador


Rosie 🤣

Sooya her sence of humor is broken 😑

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