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Rubyjane wants to face time you

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*King.taehyung accepted the call

taehyung accepted the call

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Jennie- hey stranger

Taehyung- what is up with this sudden video call,
Are you up to something princess ?

(he said grinning, he honestly felt really happy
Because usually Taehyung is the one who always calls Jennie,
But this time she is the one to call)

Jennie- maybe I was missing your voice (she took a long pause before continuing) and maybe I wanted to see your face too

(Jennie looked a bit shy while saying this and Taehyung loved it,
She really isn't the one to get shy easily and always seems confident
So seeing her getting shy in front of him really made him like her even more)

Taehyung- aww you're missing me too much aren't you,
But if I am not wrong then the last time we met was this morning in school cafeteria (He said teasingly)

Jennie- just say you don't want to talk to me

Taehyung- i never said that

Jennie- then stop teasing me

Taehyung- fine fine

Jennie- so I wanted to ask you something

Taehyung- what is it princess ?

Jennie- can you please stop with the nick name

Taehyung- never

Jennie- ugh...fine
Now be quiet and listen

Taehyung- I am all ears

Jennie- sooooo....
I.....was.....thinking......that (she spoke with long pauses which made Taehyung kind of impatient)

Taehyung- that......

Jennie- iwantedtoaskyouthatwillyougoonadatewithme?

Taehyung- can you please speak a slow
So that I can atleast understand what you're trying to say

Jennie- I wanted to ask you that, will you go on a date with me ?
(She spoke slowly this time, elaborating each word)

(Taehyung kind of paused at the moment,
Wondering did he hear her right
Is Jennie really asking him out on a date
Is it finally the fucking time ?)

Taehyung- am I hearing this right or is my brain messing with me ?

Jennie- I think it is the first one because I am not quite sure weather you have a brain or not (she said bursting out in laughter)

Taehyung- heyyyyyyyy

Jennie- so tell me Taehyung would you like to go on a date with me ?

Taehyung- like ? I'd fucking love to go on a date with my princess

(Jennie replied to this with her adorable gummy smile)

Jennie- tomorrow is Saturday
We will go on Sunday night

Taehyung- you seriously going to make me wait for a whole dayyy (Taehyung said exaggerating as if he has to wait for a whole year)

Jennie- (Jennie giggled) patience is the key to everything, Mr Kim

Taehyung- looks like I have no choice than to wait for a whole other day
By the way where are we going ?

Jennie- now that is a secret
Get ready by 7 and wear something comfortable and casual

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