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Jennie's heart was beating really fast right now,
She knows that Taehyung already likes her but she is still extremely nervous.

Her friends really have done a wonderful job in decorating the beach, she looked at the beautiful hanging lights, the small tent, the table decorated with flowers and candles, everything looked so eye catching and so aesthetic.

There was a picnic basket fillled with food, placed by the table which was prepared by Jin and Namjoon.

Jennie took her phone out to snap a picture of the mesmerizing view at front of her.

Then her phone dinged due to a message, it was from Hoseok saying that they will be here with Taehyung in five minutes. She took a deep breath trying to calm her heart beat down.
She opeaned her phone's camera checking her hair and makeup for the last time.

Minutes later she saw Yoongi and Hoseok approaching with Taehyung, he is blindfolded so that he cannot see anything.

"How much more do I have to wait" Taehyung fake whined to Yoongi and Hoseok who were holding him from either of his sides so that he doesn't trip and fall down.

They stopped in front Jennie "Stay here and don't remove your blindfold" Yoongi instructed him.
Then both of them leg go of him, Hoseok mouthed Jennie a 'best of luck' and both of them left after waving.

"Princess are you here ?" Taehyung spoke, Jennie felt butterflies in her stomach after hearing the nickname he has given her, Jennie has heard him calling her Princess many times but she can never get used to it.

Jennie walked upto him and went behind him, then she stood up on her tiptoes to untie the blindfold off Taehyung's eyes.
Taehyung opeaned his eyes and blinked a few times, he was surprised looking at the beautiful decor at front of him but then he turned around to face the beautiful figure standing right behind him.

"You did all this ?" He said while his eyes were busy examining her from top to bottom, her beautiful cat eyes, waist length brown hair, her pink crop top with matching pink skirt which showcased her figure perfectly.
"The idea behind this was mine but the guys and girls were the one to execute it and they actually did it way better than my expectations" she said smiling while looking at him.

Taehyung's hand automatically moved forward, finding it's way to Jennie's cheek as he proceeded to caress it.
Jennie didn't realise how these little actions of him have such high affects on her as her cheeks went red under his touch.
"I love it when I make you blush" he honestly admits.

The two of them sit on the beach under thousands of stars, there weren't many people around them at night which helped them get their privacy.
They sat and talked for hours without stopping and none of them were getting out of topics, they just went on and on while sipping their wine, honestly the two of them couldn't stay like this forever, enjoying each other's company.

Taehyung looked at her eyes deeply and signed, he knew now is the time If he dosent do it right now then maybe he will never be able to do it.
He stopped in their conversation and prepared himself for what he was about to say.

"Jen I have something to tell you, maybe you already know what it is, as if haven't made it obvious enough." he took a deep breath and continued, he looked at Jennie smiling at him which gave him the confidence to express his feelings "I will be honest, I am not the best at words so maybe I am not able to express it properly but all I want to say is that, I love you Jen, I really do.
Before you came in my life I was a completely different person, I was just what someone would describe as a classic bad boy, I thought that I would be like that for my entire life, never stick to a particular girl, never take anything seriously. But then I found you, Ruby Jane you made me realise what real love is, I would randomly start smiling during the day because I was thinking of you, never even look at any other girl because you were running through my mind all the time, I just fell for you and I fell really hard.
I love you my princess."

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