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After getting ready and checking myself in the mirror atleat five times, I was on my was to Jennie's dorm
It is 9:00 pm right now

After reaching her dorm
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door

Why do I seem nervous ?
I have never been nervous with any other girl in my entire life
I mean she is different from any other girl I've ever talked to

After a minute the door opened and there stood Lisa with a cheeky grin on her face
"Hello oppa, you look all ready to take my unnie out don't you"

"More than ready" I said with a wink
The moement I said this I see Jennie walking towards us

She's wearing a red and white short checkered dress, with her long brown hair beautifully straightened, and light makeup
She looks like an angel literally fallen from the clouds

Reaching over to us she walked around Lisa, standing in front
She looked at me and said "hello Taehyung"
"Hi Jen"

"God you two look so cute standing together" said Lisa leaning at the door frame, her cheeky smile not leaving her

"I know" I said looking at Jennie
"Now I think we should get going"

"Yeah let's go" Jennie said stepping out of the door and waving a bye to Lisa

"Have fun and make babies ya'll" the time that Lisa said this, Jennie's waving hand had changed into showing Lisa her middle finger

"You look really preety" I compliment her, walking on the street
"You seem glad that I'm not one of those catfishers who only look good on social media" she said looking up at me

"I always knew you were really preety, have seen you at school many times"

"So tell me something about you" I say
I say slowing my steps to match her pace
As I noticed how fast she had to walk due to short legs to walk with me

"What do you want to know ?" We say stopping on the road side, waiting for the red light to cross the road

"Umm...any crazy ex of yours I should be aware off" I ask sarcastically as the traffic light finally turned red

"Not exactly crazy bit even if have some they are back in New Zealand so you don't need to worry" she says crossing the road along with me

"Oh right you used to live in New Zealand and you just came back two months ago" I say recalling what Jimin told me

"Yeah you are absolutely right"

"But why were you there ?"

"2 years ago
My mother had to go to New Zealand for work
She is the director of an entertainment company
So I also left everything here and went with her
But I was never really happy there and always missed my girls
So after alot of trying I finally convinced my mom to let me move back to Korea and here I am now"

"I'm glad you came back"

"What about you, any crazy exes ?" She asked

"There are many but don't worry
I won't let anyone come near my princess"

"You and your cheesy lines" she says rolling her eyes But was unsuccessful at hiding the smile which appeared at her face

"Let's get ice cream" I say motioning over to the ice cream shop which is a few steps away from us

"I fucking love ice cream" she says smiling like a happy kid whose mother finally agreed to get the child her favorite toy

We enter the store together as the bell on the door tings, indicating our entrance

"Welcome" the lady at the counter greets
"Which ice-cream would you guys like ?"

"I'll get chocolate and which one do you want ?" I say asking Jennie
"I'll get the milk ice-cream please" she says

I noticed her taking money out to pay
But I was quicker than her as I pay for us before she could

"You really didn't have to"
"Ofcourse I had to, I was the one who invited you after all"
We both get our ice-cream cones and exit the ice-cream parlor

We were walking on the bridge while eating our ice-cream
We weren't talking too much but we're enjoying each other's company silently

This reminded me of that one lyric from a Korean song -
'Instead of having meaningless conversations with others
I'd rather be in awkward silence with you'
(If you know you know)

I was surprised when she suddenly interviewed the fingers of her free hand with mine

My eyes traveled from our locked hands to her face
Her gummy smile
Cat eyes
And Rosy cheeks
Everything about her is so special
Words cannot describe her
But if I had to use one word
Then I would say that,
She is alluring

She started swinging our arms cheerfully while looking up at the night sky

Getting tired from our swinging arms I pulled her arm
Bringing her closer to me
(Inspired from the iconic taennie moement)

The night starts to get chilly as I notice Jennie rubbing her hands on her arms trying to keep herself warm

I quickly remove my jacket and place it over her shoulders
Not wanting her to get cold

"Thanks Tae"
"Anything for my princess"

And that's when I realize
She called me Tae
She just gave me a nick name
Why is my jumping ?

God Jennie you are driving me crazy
I've never felt this with any other girl
The things you do to me

After some more time of walking hand in hand and alot of talking we head back
First to Jennie's dorm
After reaching she gave me a hug as I was more than happy to return the hug

"Thanks Tae, I really had a lot of fun with you
I really don't remember the last time I had so much fun
You are way better than what everyone describes you as
You are a great person Tae"

"Thanks Jen" I say happy and satisfied by all her words

"And please solve everything with Jimin
We don't like seeing you two fight" she says as I just nod

Then she starts to remove the jacket that I draped over her shoulders
"Don't" I say stopping her "keep it with you, it looks good on you"

"Bye Tae now I should go in" She says as I nod in agreement

After taking a few steps away from me
She turns back around to wave me a bye then opens the dorm door and enters in

I used to dislike the idea of going on little romantic walks
But now it has turned out to be the best experience of my life

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