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"Jennie come the fuck down right now, otherwise we all are gonna get late because you never get ready on time" Shouts Jisoo unnie to get me out of my room

"Oh come on let her get ready
She seems too excited to meet Taehyung oppa" Lisa's teasing tone was clearly audible

I am here in my room brushing my hair
I look at the clock and it is 5:00 p.m. and we have to be at the amusement park by 6 p.m.
It is still soo early but Jisoo unnie hates being late

"Yah!!! Kim Jennie Ruby Jane where are your manners at least reply to me" ugh they really won't let me get ready

"Just give me a minute" I say
Before exiting my room I take a final glance in the mirror
And spray a bit of my favorite perfume and do a little twirl in my dress

Walking out I see Jisoo unnie and Lisa sitting on the couch

"Where's Chae ?" I asked noticing her absence

"Turns out that your not the only one getting ready to meet a guy" says Jisoo unnie being tired of us

I'm not getting ready for Taehyung" I protested

"I didn't even take your name,
You really are too excited to meet Taehyung" says unnie smirking

"Don't tease her or she might get wet thinking about him" You guys already know who said that

As I was about to jump on Lisa, Rosie walked in

"Oh lala" i say looking at her
"Someone's all ready" Lisa

"Jimin's gonna faint" I say
"Or he might pull you out of the place for some alone time" said Lisa winking
As the light pink shade got visible on Rosie's cheeks

"Ok now enough of this
Let's get going
I don't want to get late because you three minions" Says unnie standing up and picking the car keys

"Says the shortest one here" Rosè

"I want to drive today" says Lisa jumping from behind
"Fine, but if anything happens to me you're the one paying my hospital bills" says Jisoo unnie jokingly, not really
Let's just say that our Liz isn't the best driver

After 30 minutes

Who was that idiot who discovered the idea of parallel parking
I swear if I find that mother fucker I'm gonna fry him in hot oil
And then serve him in a snack tray" says Lisa in frustration

We had found a perfect spot near the amusement park but it was parallel parking
And Lisa being the one driving
She wasn't able to parallel park
So when she reversed the car while trying to park
Another car came and parked it the spot
Which ment that we will have to park really away
As rest of the parking lot seems full
Considering the fact that it is weekend

"I'm never letting you drive again Lalisa" says unnie sighing loudly

"You all go inside the park
I'll park the car and then join you all" I say

"Why you unnie
Let this dumb chick find a parking spot" says Rosé while receiving a glare from Lisa

"I would rather not let this car get completely crashed
So you all go"

Jenduk we'll be waiting near the entrance for you" Jisoo unnie

Saying that the three others exit the car
While I get in the driver seat
After about a few minutes a finally find a empty parking place
This spot is like 7-8 minute walking distance from the amusement park

After the short walk I enter in
It's the first time that all eleven of us are hanging out together
So I'm really excited

I see them all there standing next to a icecream stall
The guys are also with them
We just came here
And the first thing that they are going to do is eat
Like seriously ?

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